Two people embracing in a close hug.

“You’re thinking about selling us???”

I often ask people, “If you dropped dead right now, and a few moments later you find yourself standing before Jesus, what’s the first thing he would say to you?” Sad to say, but over 95% of Christians admit something negative from the Lord, like, “Why didn’t you do what I told you?” and, “What were you thinking?” One Marine even said, “If I were standing before the Lord right now, he’d shake his head in disappointment and say ‘Damn, Devildog.'” (Devildog is a complimentary nickname for US Marines.) This is very sad only. (Quote from the movie Avatar.) Whatever struggle we are dealing with… it is not bigger than the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, nor the love of God!
Watch “Who said ‘that’… and when did you start believing ‘that’?” (
Sometime ago in the Brig, we read Mt 7:24-27, the parable of building a house on rock or sand. We acknowledged that the question isn’t if the storms of life will come, but when. We watched a short video of a man on an hour-long hike with his eight-month old son strapped on his back. At the halfway point it started to sprinkle, then rain, then downpour, then thunder and chaos. The child’s discomfort escalated to crying, then yelling, then to shrieking. It got so bad for the child that the father stopped briefly to move the child from his back to his chest. As the father continued walking the remainder of the hike, he continuously reassured the child with whispers of, “It’s ok. I love you, Buddy. Daddy knows the way home.”

The man went on to say that it would be terrible if, years down the road, his child would come back to him and question that incident and say that this repressed memory had resurfaced and then ask why did the father put him through that. The man went on to confess that those moments, when he held his son so close, are so precious and dear to him, and that he wouldn’t trade those moments for anything in the world because he got to hold his child close and protect him and reassure him. At that moment he got to be father and got to provide comfort and care to his child.

We paralleled this story with our walks as children of Father-God, and how often we don’t understand the storms we’re going through, but that the Father speaks words of reassurance and comfort over us. And recalling that God is right there with us should bring us great encouragement. As a matter of fact, the bible says that when we cry out to God, He hears us and delivers us (Ps 34:17). The inmates were quite moved by this. We talked about how divorce and death shakes our world as children. Some of the men recalled, as children, being accused of the cause for divorce, or responsible for the death of a parent.

I asked, “What are you worth?” There was complete silence. They pondered this a bit and I asked, “What if I told you that you are worth the life of God’s Son?” You could’ve heard a pin drop. I told the men of a similar conversation, long ago with my much younger daughters. I asked my girls, “What are you worth?” They fumbled about with their answers and I asked them another question. “Why do you think I am asking you this?” Our oldest daughter (Arianna) asked, “Because you’re thinking about selling us?” (Lol!) I asked the girls would they sell their Nintendo DS game for $1 and they said no. I asked why. “Because it’s worth more than $1.” We bought the DS about a year prior and the girls said it’s worth more now because they really like it. I pointed out that when you know the value (worth) of something you won’t sell it cheap.

The bottom line with the inmates and my daughters was, “When you know your worth, you won’t sell yourself cheap.” You won’t cheapen yourselves for people who don’t recognize your worth, or to people who just want a “good time,” or to critics who try to tell you what you can and cannot do. We even treat ourselves better when we begin to understand our worth. “Own worst critic” anyone? What are you worth to God?

I showed the inmates a can of soup. It was dented (damaged). I told them that grocery stores often reduce the price of damaged goods because they are less desirable. These damaged goods are considered worth less. Did you catch that? They are worthless! I asked the inmates how many of you are damaged goods and they all raised their hands. I told them that Jesus was damaged goods and look at His worth. And, He died for us even while we were yet “damaged goods!” (Rom 5:8)

I closed with reminding them that God is the one who still calls to us and that sometimes we just need to remind ourselves of that. A song by Fred Hammond called I Anoint Myself came to my mind and I shared it with them. Here are some of the lyrics:

Sometimes I gotta remind myself… that He called me
I anoint myself in my mind again… talk to the Father, get the plan again
Keep in my heart what I gotta do… ‘cause I’m here to serve You
My hearts gets swayed… it’s not too late
Before I waste another day… I kneel and pray
This is how I remind myself

Go back and read John 3:16. And remind yourself that God says, “You are worth the life of my son.”

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After showing a scene of great personal sacrifice from the movie “Fury,” I asked, “Is there anything you would literally sacrifice your life for?” Many said their families, their country, and some said the Christian faith. I asked how good are you at dying daily to yourself? (1Cor 15:31; Gal 2:20; Mt 10:38) Because if we’re not practicing dying to self now – daily – then it’s highly unlikely that at “crunch time” we’ll pass the test. What does your prayer life look like? What about your Bible study/reading time? Serving in Church? Sharing the gospel? We can’t even die to ourselves at these 101 things, so it’s likely we won’t die to bigger challenges. (Read “I have a confession.”)
Chicken Lasagna at our monthly cook-in! I’ve never even heard of Chicken Lasagna… but it was incredible! Sandy blesses us continually with her labor and skills at cooking!
Watch “Love is not a chore. It’s an opportunity.” (
Good Word, good fellowship, and good food! The message tonight was “Does evil exist” and “Does absolute power corrupt absolutely?” Point 1: According to the Bible (Isa 5:20; Eph 6:12) evil exists, so the real question is what are you really doing about it? Point 2: I posited that we all have more power than we realize, yet the vast majority of us are not on full-corrupt. (Read “Why should I trust you with the power of My words?”)
Agree with us in prayer:

a. Brig Update: I have a scheduled meeting with the Battalion Colonel on November 10th @1300. Please keep this meeting in prayer as like with the Chaplain meeting, I feel that much can be restored if darkness, confusion, and pride were bound up. Since my meeting with the Chaplains, much harmony and support is occurring, so I still believe that clearing the air and reporting all that happened with the Brig Leaders can reap much restoration and healing.

b. Pray for mature, Qualified Families and Permanent Personnel to co-labor with us in this northern-most, remote area of Okinawa. Henoko/Schwab outreach carries a constant rebuilding nature due its high turnover rate and operational tempo. We literally rebuild a congregation every six months and gather new members. Pray for our strength, wisdom, and resources as weekly we gather sheep and convert goats.

c. Pray for our current schedule, i.e. finances, resources, wisdom, strategies, and strength:
▪Sun: Share/Report Christians In Action ministries
▪Mon: Radical & Relevant (R&R) @7pm
▪Wed: Brig Christian Fellowship (BCF) @7pm (PRAY for Reinstatement)
▪Thu: Publish Think On These Things newsletters
▪Thu: Publish YouTube Videos (Channel: YahwehHasASon)
▪Fri: Sexual Integrity & Restoration (SIR) @9am (PRAY for Reinstatement)▪Sat: Zebulun Christian Discipleship Center (ZCDC) @6pm

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In 1 Corinthians chapter 9, the Apostle Paul directly addressed the issue of supporting those in ministry. He writes (vs.2) “for you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord.” He’s saying that if you’ve benefitted from (your growth, your maturity, your discipleship) anything we’ve said or done, then you are proof that I’ve been sent by God. Further, he says (vs.11) “If I have sown spiritual things among you, is it too much if we reap material things from you? (vs.14) … the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.” The godly principle that Paul presents here is that someone who works is entitled to receive from those who benefit from those works. This is Bible! However, it’s vital to also understand that, regardless of his right to demand payment, Paul said that he will always choose to preach the gospel for free because God has entrusted him with this stewardship. I can so relate to this and I ask that you give and support as the Lord directs you.
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This is one classy lady, here. Since the day I met Sandy, she has always carried herself with maturity, intelligence, wisdom, dignity, and class. The grace on Sandy’s life has provoked me into maturity and has challenged me to be a better man. Just her presence makes me want to do better. Sandy’s influence on me has molded me in a great, godly way. I honestly look at her deeply every day and am humbled. I love this woman… this gift from God… my Sandy. (Read “Sandy makes me love her.”)
In closing:

Saints, thank you for your prayers. Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve had several significant breakthroughs. Honestly, it feels like we’ve finally been able to come up for air. God bless you, prayer warriors!

So over the last two weeks, we’ve been regathering and rebuilding the scattered sheep on Camp Schwab. It’s what we do and there’s already Kingdom fruit. I am so proud of our Zebulun family. They’re in the good fight with us and they walk in great, active faith also.

We remain focused on the Father’s Business. Down to earth, confrontational ministry still occurs every week. Real ministry and disciple-making is quite taxing, but you can help by alleviating some of the financial concerns here. Please consider partnering with us in these works of the Lord. Financial gifts and contributions can be made online through Christians In Action. Or, you can mail contributions to the address listed below.

I declare that when you trust Him, you’re free to say whatever needs to be said, and bold to go wherever you need to go.” (Eph 3:12 Message)
In His freedom,
Pastor Nick & Sandy Guerra

Contributions can be sent to:
Dominic Guerra (Acct# 426)
c/o Christians In Action, Missions International
1322 E. Shaw Ave., Ste. 150
Fresno, CA 93710-7904

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