Two illustrated hands reaching towards each other, reminiscent of michelangelo's "the creation of adam.

“Why do you hate God?!!”

Recently, I’ve been engaging so-called Believers with the following:

Me: So, you’re a Christian?
Them: Yes. Born and raised in the church.
Me: So, how long have you been on Island?
Them: About six months.
Me: So, how many times have you been to church?
Them: None.
Me: So, why do you hate God?!!
Them: Wait… wuh??? I don’t hate God.
Me: Well, why aren’t you a part of His Bride?
(Their faces, though. LOL!)

I give them a quick illustration. “Suppose you meet a girl, and you both really like each other, and you both happen to live very close to each other. In a six month period, how much time would you spend with her?” Every one of these men have said, “Every day… as much time as I could.” I tell them, “You said you’ve been on Island six months and not once have you been to church. What’s the difference between God and the girl? Which is supposed to be more important?” (Again, the faces. Haha! I really do love the folks I encounter.)

Now, I can already hear some of you saying, “I don’t have to go to church to experience God. I can get God in my home or in my room.” Just stop it! God established the Church! The Church is Christ’s Bride! Jesus died for His Bride! Why would you reject being a part of His Bride?!!! Knock it off, and repent now!
(Read “It’s still His Bride!”)

Honestly, I’m past the point of begging so-called Christians to come to church. As I wrote on this topic recently, I reiterate, “Who do you think you are?!! You should be begging Christ for permission to come into His presence!” Our Heavenly Father established the church and He “gave Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers over it, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” (Eph 4:11-12) You are His Bride! Build His Church!

In  closing, we need your help. Being full-time missionaries in Japan is physically and spiritually demanding, and financially expensive.  We’re genuinely about The Father’s Business, but we simply cannot fulfill these ministries without financial support. Please consider partnering with us through financial gifts and offerings. Donations can be made online at  Christians In Action.