A person sitting and reading a book surrounded by illustrated, ethereal figures with a biblical verse caption about protection from psalms 91:11.

“There’s an angel with your son!”

Some time ago, in the prison, a bright, enthusiastic young man (H) just got out of solitary (Seg) and was happy to be back in the GenPop. (Sandy and I visited him the week before in Seg, at which time he asked about angels.) On this night, H shared briefly that he called his mother a few days after our conversation. His mom said she was at church and they had a spirit-filled, prophetic, guest-speaker. The speaker prophesied, “Somebody here has a son in prison.” The mom raised her hand and the Prophet told her, “The Lord says, ‘There is an angel with your son, protecting him.'”

H went on to share that this explained and confirmed  what he experienced recently in his Seg cell – that a strong, glorious, radiating presence had filled his cell and that he immediately fell to his knees and weeped with joy and fullness. (We were all  teary-eyed  as he shared.)