Inspirational quote on a textured background stating 'salvation is free, but discipleship costs everything we have. - billy graham'.

“Stolen Valor???”

So, I’ve literally been on my face before the Lord receiving great “renewal and reset.” Throughout my prayer time, I’ve experienced moments from deep weeping to free laughter at what the Holy Ghost was showing me about myself and Christians, in general.

Most recently, I saw something very clearly in the form of “stolen valor,” a term applied to the phenomenon of people falsely claiming military service they did not perform and/or awards and badges they did not earn. These posers like to hang around common, public areas — like malls, fast-food restaurants, coffee shops, airports, etc. — and receive accolades, attention, atta-boys, discounted shopping, and free coffee or meals from the general public. Because they didn’t actually serve, they frequently stick out like a sore thumb to seasoned, authentic service members.

Sandy and I primarily minister to US servicemen and women, so I showed them a short Youtube video (See here)  of someone who was impersonating a Marine, caught in the act of “stolen valor.” Afterwards, I asked them what they thought. Across the board, they were offended, insulted, and maddened. I asked why. They said things like, “Because he’s deceiving people! He hasn’t earned the right to wear that uniform! He hasn’t gone through the sacrifice that I have! Without the sacrifice, he can’t possibly appreciate that uniform!  That guy is trying to receive benefits reserved for those who have actually served and sacrificed. It’s a  privilege to wear that uniform!”

Now, initially I described military wanna-be’s, but all the while I’ve been alluding to Christians. I asked, “What does stolen valor have to do with Christians?” Some of them understood immediately and the conviction was deep. I’m referring to the uniform that Jesus earned for us — the robes of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10) — which none of us earned. How many Christians are posers? How many Christians are deceiving and trying to reap the benefits reserved for those who actually serve and sacrifice? How many Believers are Christians in name only, with no actual service? Ouch!

As Believers, we’re called to “take up our cross” (Mt 16:24-25), “die daily” (1Cor 15:31), and to “know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings” (Php 3:10). Far too many Believers are Christians in name only. They like the benefits of salvation and eternal life, but they aren’t risking anything. They refuse to actually serve and sacrifice — share the gospel, be discipled, confront sin with God’s word, pray in public, or stand up to ungodly laws — because of pride, fear, and ignorance. (Sounds like stolen valor to me.) Understand clearly that the will of God cost Jesus everything! What has it cost you to be a Christian?!! Christians may cry out, “Salvation is free,” but try telling that to Jesus, because it cost him his life! Salvation may be free, but discipleship will cost you everything!

Bottom line — Are you, as a Christian, living a life worthy of Jesus’ sacrifice?