Group of people participating in a foot washing ceremony inside a room with a map and musical equipment.

So this happened…

In our absence, David and Greg took the initiative to conduct foot-washings for these Zebulun graduates. This thoughtful act warmed my heart greatly. I am so proud of our ministers.
– Read “We make disciples!”

Back in August, on our return trip to Okinawa, we were sitting at the boarding gate at the Austin, Texas airport. Moments later, a gentleman sits down directly across from us. After introductory greetings, I asked him what he does for a living. He said he was in the entertainment and music industry. I perked up. He said his name was Gary “Lil G” Jenkins and he’s lead singer of the R&B group called Silk.

Their four-man group was sitting around randomly and they just did a show in Austin and were headed to a gig in Atlanta. I told him, “I remember y’all. You guys broke out in the early nineties with other artists and groups like Keith Sweat, Al B. Sure, Guy, and Tony-Toni-Tone.” He laughed and said, “Yup.” He showed us his latest video on Youtube of his solo project. He said he was currently working on a project with Bootsy Collins. He asked me, “Do you know Bootsy Collins?” I lit up! “Bruh, did you just ask me if I know Bootsy Collins??? Man… ‘Hollywood… movies stars take two… Lights, camera, action… Bootzilla’!” He laughed. I told him, “Just last year my wife and I did a lip-sync video to one of Bootsy’s songs, “Very Yes.” (See Vid: I began to sing the chorus and he joined in. LOL!

We talked about 70’s funk artists, etc. He said still loves that funk era. I showed him a picture of me back in ’78 at a Parliament concert. He was tickled and he complimented my ‘fro and said, “That suit tho’! That’s blazin’!” I asked how old he was. He said fifty-seven. “So you’ve been in this business for about thirty years. You’re still looking good.”

I told him we lived in Japan for going on twenty-four years. He said he had done so many shows in Japan to include Okinawa. I explained that I was a retired Marine and now we’re missionaries there, trying to keep young knuckleheads out of trouble. (Lol!) I asked him if there’s anything specific I could pray for him. He said diligence, endurance, his fam, and ailing elders in his family.

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Gary “Lil G” Jenkins, lead singer of the R&B group Silk. I gave him my business card and told him that if he needs anything — prayer, counsel, etc. — to contact me asap. He seemed slightly stunned and relieved at my willingness to give instead of take from him.
– Read “This is Your Purpose in Life!”
Summer ’78. I went to a Parliament funk concert. (Lol!) I showed this pic to Lil G and he laughed, and approved, and said my outfit was blazin’!
– Watch “He ain’t the same guy!” (

“Go or Sow!”

“Go or Sow!” You are humbly invited to literally come and labor with us for a season. Or, if you can’t come out, you can sow into these ministries. Whenever you sow into these works, you become a benefactor of the Kingdom fruit being harvested here, and much fruit abounds to your account (Php 4:17). Make a Donation (

In closing…

Our dear “adopted” daughter, Amora, drove up from San Antonio for a quick visit. All these girls went to high school at Zion Christian Academy and college at Azusa Pacific University together. Sandy and I are so proud of these young ladies!
– Watch “The K.E.Y.P. and Figuring Out Your Purpose.” (

I declare that you are not anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God! (Php 4:6)
In His grip!
Nick & Sandy, Bond-servants of Christ

Gather Sheep & Convert Goats!
Catch, Clean, & Release!
Catch, Clean, & Release!