A lion within a yellow circle overlaying the motivational phrase "get up and walk john 5:8.

“Rise up and walk!” — Jesus

With the ever-increasing hostilities and godless confusion over race and police violence in America, I’ve been engaged in too many immature conversations with shallow people, some are even Christians. However, during my devotions this morning, my friend Johnny was telling me about a situation where sick, blind, lame, and paralyzed people were waiting beside a pool. Periodically, an angel of the Lord would come and stir the water, and the first one in the pool would be healed. (Read John 5:1-9 NASB)

There was one guy who had been waiting thirty-eight years for his turn. Jesus looked at him straightly and asked, “Do you wish to get well?” This lame man proceeded to give Jesus his sob story. He complained, “No one is here to put me into the pool.” He whined, “Someone always gets there before me.” It sounded like, “You don’t know what it’s like to live in my skin.” I love Jesus’ immediate response. “Rise up and walk.” Jesus totally disregarded this man’s situation and complaints. Jesus bypassed all his “baloney” and went straight to the heart of the matter — individual responsibility. Was Jesus being insensitive? Was not Jesus keenly aware that this lame, handicapped man’s situation was “unfair?” Of course not.

Promptly, this man trusted the Lord, rose up in faith, was immediately healed, and began to walk! Amazing! This lame man could have CHOSE to lay there and continue to finger-point and yell, “Inequality! Profiling! I’m a victim! It’s the system! The man is holding me down!” Instead, he CHOSE to ignore all his negative circumstances and focus on the command of the Lord. “Exercise faith and rise up!” And, God honored his faith!

Although this man was physically lame, he stepped out on faith and his circumstances changed. But what’s your excuse for staying in your situation? Fear? Laziness? Procrastination? You’re alone? Your critics? The system? The man? Too many people have come to rely on their bad circumstances as an excuse for staying where they are. They naively conclude, “As long as I have someone or something to blame, my bad situation is justified.” This is modern-day idolatry. Any person, pleasure, pain, problem, or philosophy that is greater in your life than God is an idol. Is there anything in your life greater than God?

“It’s his fault!” “It’s not my fault!” “They’re privileged!” “I’m under-privileged!” “You’re the reason I am the way I am!” “Blah-blah-blah!” Really?!! You can blame your circumstances all day long, but you won’t get anywhere. You can point fingers at “the man” until you’re blue in the face. You can babble on about “profiling” and time will pass and your situation will remain the same. (As if blaming someone releases you from having to try!) This mentality does not alleviate you from personal responsibility. Tell me, honestly, how’s that working for you?

Stop your whining! And, start your faith! Especially you Christians! Your God has commanded you to “Rise up and walk!” He’s even given you authority (Lu 10:19) and power (Ac 1:8)! He didn’t ask for your sob story. God is fully aware of your situation and challenges, and He still calls you to rise up in faith, take your place, and trust Him! You cannot control other peoples’ words and actions, but you can control your words and actions. Honor God with your faith!