Hand holding an open notebook with handwritten records, including dates, names, and numerical data.

“PMMO-2018… Mission accomplished!”

Another ARMS Philippines Medical/Dental Mission Outreach (PMMO) is in the books – recorded in history to the glory of God!

This was one of our largest teams to-date, however, it amazes me what can be accomplished when brothers and sisters in-Christ — half of whom have never met — come together in unity. With the mind of Christ and love in our hearts, ARMS brings folks together quickly as family, which enables us to accomplish much on the field.

I have to make mention of the minor “sugaries” (surgeries — inside joke) that filled our days. Out on the sites, our medical team performed a total of ninety-eight minor surgeries – primarily circumcisions and cyst removals. That’s an average of over sixteen surgeries every day! Glory to God!

Finally, as much medical and dental relief that we brought, so much more spiritual relief was poured out through salvations, prayer, and super-natural healings. God moved among our Team and those sites in a mighty way!

FYI: if you, as a Believer, need a little excitement in your walk, know that you have an open invitation to ARMS-2019. The dates are 08-19 April. LOL! Hope to see you there! All you first-timers… I will treat you like a freshman… and I will feast on your tears! LOL! (Relax. It’s a joke. We always have a great time. Keep in touch.)

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Week #1 Team consisted of 102 missionaries from around the globe! We were united with the mind of Christ and a mission for Christ!

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Week #2 consisted of 75 missionaries, but the workload did not decrease… it increased. LOL! Glory to God!

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Worshiping as a Team is vital for our restoration. We start our days with devo and song, and finish our days with devo and song.

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El Presidente (CinA) preaching the gospel!

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Brother Keith telling ’em, “Sometimes my friend calls me and says, ‘I have some good news and some bad news.’ I tell my friend to give me the bad news first.” By the time Brother Keith has laid out the bad news, we’re all begging for the “good news”! LOL!

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After sharing the gospel, Tammy led this class in the sinner’s prayer. Glory to God for the souls added to His Kingdom!

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Children’s evangelism. Leading the young ones to the Lord.

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These three young men have received a calling to preach the gospel in Mindanao, a Muslim stronghold. Howard, Christian, and Thaddeus praying favor, power, and protection over them.