A fantastical creature pulling on the upper eyelid of a large, realistic human eye.

Part 3 of 5 – “Sex and Our Souls”

In this video, I explain and illustrate how EVERY act of sex connects our soul in godly or ungodly ways, depending on whether the acts were god-approved, or not. These connections are called “soul-ties.” To tie means to fuse, to bond, to join, and to marry. Admittedly, the vast majority of our sexual soul-ties are ungodly. So what is the impact to our soul — the soul is our Will, Intellect, and Emotions. Or, to make in plain, our Doer, Thinker, Feeler.  (Video)

What are the consequences of ungodly soul-ties? What are the benefits of godly soul-ties? If my soul has been damaged and compromised, how do I receive restoration? How do I disconnect from ungodly soul-ties?

These questions, and more, are addressed in this session. The next session, Part 4, will deal with “Sex and Our Spirits.” It’s going to get more intense, but you can handle it!