Blue silicone wristband with a religious message and scripture reference.

“One for the Father! One for the Son! And, one for the Holy Ghost!”

On the recent ARMS mission to the Philippines, a unique bi-mission developed for me. Daily, I felt strongly compelled to confront and minister to those struggling with homosxxuality. Before going to each site, I would put at least three of these rubber wristbands on my right arm and declare, “One for the Father! One for the Son! And, one for the Holy Ghost!”

Upon arrival at each site, I would survey the massive crowds at Registration and identify those who were possibly homosxxuals.

“Do you  really  believe in Jesus?”

Later that day, I would see these men and women in a line somewhere. I would pull them gently aside and introduce myself. I asked them, “Do you believe in Jesus?” Everyone of them immediately said yes, but I re-emphasized the question, “Do you  really  believe in Jesus?” They would earnestly nod their heads.

I then simply asked, “Are you a homosexual?” They sheepishly admitted to this and I asked, “Who told you that you were a homosxxual?” Each person would look me straight in the eyes before answering, searching for condemnation, disgust, or hate. They found none and answered, “Me.” I then proposed the paramount question, “Did Jesus ever say you were a homosexual?” As each person let that question sink in, their hearts would melt, and they all said, “No.” I then asked them, “So, who are you going to listen to, you or Jesus?” (You shoulda seen their faces. It was as if a sort of relief came upon them.)

“I don’t know you, but I love you.”

I would proceed to tell them, “I don’t know you, but I love you.” (So many would begin crying at this moment.) I sympathized with them, “I know it’s a struggle and I know it’s not easy, but Jesus can help you! Your Priest or Pastor can’t change you. You can’t even change yourself. But, Jesus can help you change, and you’re going to have to pray everyday!”

“Stop saying you’re a homosxxual!”

As these encounters would come to a close, I would tell them, “Stop saying you’re a homosxxual because you’re not! Did Jesus say you were a homosxxual?!! Don’t say that anymore!”

Amidst curious onlookers, we prayed right there on the spot. I had them pray first — audibly — and each person would begin crying as their heart melted and they repented with true, broken, heart-language before the Lord.

After I prayed over them, I’d quickly say, “I have a special gift for you (the wristband). I want to give you this on two conditions. 1) That you promise to pray everyday and ask Jesus to change you. And, 2) That when you see this wristband and remember me and this Team, that you’ll pray for us.” They agreed and I slid the wristband over their outstretched hand.

Finally, I yelled, “Selfie,” and we would take picture together! I asked them if they had a Facebook account and they all said yes. I told them to find me on FB, send me a friend request, and I would accept them. (They were glowing!)

Many of the observers would ask for a wristband also, but I would kindly tell them that these wristbands are only for my special friends.

Final Note: I am fully aware that this newsletter may be highly offensive to many, even Christians. However, I humbly challenge you to show me in the Word of God where 1) He made them homosxxual, 2) God condones homosxxuality, 3) Love calls you to be silent on this issue.

If you are one who defends and promotes homosxxuality, it is a sinful, destructive lifestyle. If you’re offended by this, then you’re on the wrong side of this issue and, chances are, you’re probably interfering and obstructing real works of God. Repent, now!