A hand holding a notebook open to a page with handwritten entries under columns labeled with election-related categories dated april 2018.

“Lord, here I am. Send me.”

So week number one is just about completed! From the Holy Ghost fire in our Evangelism section we’ve seen an enormous amount of decisions for Christ. We’ve witnessed super-natural healings – recovery of sight, limbs restored, goiters dissolved, hearing returned.

This Team is the best team ever! (LOL) We have gelled and are working in Kingdom love and unity. Every year, it’s amazing to see ARMS workers come from around the globe and unite so quickly. We are family! And, you have an invite! (Join us next year???)

We also received a powerful, encouraging testimony from a pastor who had been blinded during a surgery, and he also said that he died and visited the pearly gates in a stunning way! He describes knowing immediately that he was created to live in this place for eternity in perfect love with the Lord! He also said that we he came back — because his wife prayed him back – that the first thing he asked his wife was, “Why did you bring me back?!!” LOL! He said the Lord gave him the message to tell all Believers to be encouraged, to press on, your labor is not vain, and that it will all be worth it. Praise God! Hallelujah!

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An accident lodged this wire in his hand for the last ten years. The patient tried to remove it several times on his own, but only ended up destroying the nerves in his fingers. He uses a bandanna to cover it, so it won’t snag. He can’t afford the necessary x-rays to fully determine removal. ARMS is working on assisting this man.

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This man came into triage complaining only of blurred vision and aching neck. He was treated and asked if there’s anything else he needs assistance with. He basically said, “Oh yeah, there’s this,” and proceeded to show the bottom of his feet. Some sort of flesh eating bacteria has been active in his feet since ’90. It’s eaten into his bones, smelled of great rot, and the doctors said amputation only at this stage. The patient says that amputation is not an option.