Artistic representation of a bird's nest with eggs on a wooden stool surrounded by tattered fabric.

“Jesus is the Reason for the Season” or “The Reason for Jesus”?

Often, during this time of year, the phrase “Jesus is the reason for the season” is thrown around. Of course, overwhelming imagery of the virgin birth comes to mind. And, I try to imagine the innocence, yet holiness, of this child, born in the manger. I wonder about the angelic visitations to Joseph and Mary. I try to imagine what the shepherds in the field must’ve felt as the archangel Gabriel made his announcement. “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (Lu 2:10-11) This is epic! God becomes flesh. How?! Why?! Who?!! Wuh???

Although, I can spend time in marvel at these supernatural events leading up to the birth of Christ, I am more challenged with the why of Jesus. What was the reason for Jesus? This question demands our attention… and answers.

When I ask why Jesus was introduced into our world, only brutal honesty brings answers. I am toxic. I am destructive. I am wicked. I am unclean. I am depraved. I am utterly sin-sick. I am fallen. And honestly, it’s only through these admissions that 1) I clearly see my wretched, woeful state, and I become so desperate that I cry out for a Deliverer… a Savior, and 2) A greater appreciation of this gift of salvation.

  • Just a few scriptures describing the hearts of mankind (Jer 17:9; Gen 6:5, 8:21; Job 15:14-16; Ps 51:5, 53:1-3; Pro 28:26; Ecc 9:3; Jer 16:12; Mt 15:19; Mk 7:21-22; Rom 3:10, 23; Heb 3:12; Jas 1:14-15)

The world has become blind to their sense of depravity and impending judgment. And I am convinced that it’s only through coming face-to-face with our fallen, lost state, that we can begin to see glimpses of our need for salvation.

This Christmas season, certainly celebrate Christ. However, make it a point to share with family and friends  the real reason for Jesus. Only through exposed hearts can hearts be humbled, melted, healed and filled with true love. The love of God.

In  closing, we need your help. Being full-time missionaries in Japan is physically and spiritually demanding, and financially expensive.  We’re genuinely about The Father’s Business, but we simply cannot fulfill these ministries without financial support. Please consider partnering with us through financial gifts and offerings. Donations can be made online at  CinA.