Men participating in a foot-washing ceremony indoors.

“I’ve done my job.”

So recently, a dear friend of ours shared about their youngest son who concluded that Christianity isn’t for him. Mom and Dad raised him in the faith, but lately he’s been buying into the lies about Christianity — that it’s a crutch for the weak, and it’s all brainwashing. Mom suspected that, at this point in his life, he’s choosing the easier path of criticisms and disbelief, rather than work out his salvation with fear and trembling. (Php 2:12)

Mom said that her son wanted some convincing proof about the Jesus-stuff, but she quickly shared with me that she didn’t entertain that approach because, “He’s been raised in the truth and it’s time for him to choose it for himself.” Mom went on to tell her son, “I’ve personally worked through many of these criticisms, but I can’t and won’t try to believe for you, or be your Holy Spirit, convicting and correcting you. It’s time for you to grow up in the Lord.” (How cool is this?!! What an incredibly mature, adult thing for mom to do!!)

I love her approach to this dilemma! Basically she’s saying, “I’ve done my job. I’ve taught you the faith, and everything you need to know about Christ and the Truth. It’s on you now.” Upon hearing this, I immediately thought of Paul’s words to the Ephesian Elders. He’s about to leave them for Jerusalem and he tells them, “I held back nothing that could be helpful to you, and I taught you both in public and from house to house.” (Ac 20:20) Paul reminds them, “I didn’t hold anything back that would be profitable to you and your walk!”

Can you make that claim? As you move on to another chapter of your life, can you legit tell your old co-workers, friends, and neighbors that you “didn’t hold back” on any Jesus stuff? When you transfer from one duty station to another, from one church to another, can you tell your friends and family, “I didn’t hold any God-stuff back that you would need!”

This leads me to my last point, and it sort of haunts me. In John 14:8 Philip asks Jesus to show him the Father. Jesus asks him (vs.9), “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip?” (Ouch!) I can’t help but wonder, “How many people are there, that I’ve known for years, who don’t know that I’m a Christian?” What a scary thought! And, shameful. I shudder to think that, after all this time, someone can be surprised to find out that I’m a Christian, and say something like, “What?!! You’re a Christian?! I didn’t know you were a Christian.”

Stop holding back! Give them Christ!


Saints, thank you for your prayers. We pray for you too! Even the inmates pray for all who receive, read, and support these works. Daily, we press toward the mark! We remain focused on the Father’s Business – loving big, loving well, and making disciples.

Sometimes, when I waiver in my faith, I think it’s insane that I’m trying to forsake all for His calling… and what makes me feel worse is that I’ve dragged Sandy into this madness. (Lol! Sigh.) It’s just faith. And, it’s a life that He chose us for and we said, “Yes, Lord.”

Please consider helping us with monetary donations to continue harvesting souls for His Kingdom. Financial gifts and contributions can be made online through Christians In Action. Or, you can mail contributions to the address listed below.

I declare that the God of hope fills you with all joy and peace in believing, and that you abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost! (Rom 15:13)
In the His joy,
Pastor Nick & Sandy Guerra

Contributions can be sent to:
Dominic Guerra (Acct# 426)
c/o Christians In Action, Missions International
1318 E. Shaw Avenue – Suite 308
Fresno, CA 93710-7912

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