Black lg flip phone displaying the time and date on its external screen.

“It’s worth more than five dollars!”

A few years ago, Sandy and I attended the  Christians In Action missions conference in Fresno, CA. After dinner one night, a handful of us visited a local mall. While the ladies went shopping, Elaine (fellow missionary) and I sat on a bench, just outside the stores, and watched people go by. Shortly, a thirty-eight year-old woman named Natalie sat next to us and we struck a conversation.

Natalie shared that about eighteen months ago, she had just attempted suicide by drug overdose. The EMT’s found her, and while in the back of the ambulance being transported to the hospital, she encountered Christ is a deep, personal way. God spoke plainly to Natalie and revealed to her the identity He gave her, not the one she’d settled for. This revelation completely replaced the substandard identity that she had formed without God.

Natalie went on to describe her life before Christ — physically and sxxually abused as a child, heavy into drugs and alcohol as a teen, explored lssbianism, she lost her 4 ½ month-old baby due to acid reflux, the unexpected death of her younger brother, etc. I prayed for her on the spot. In front of passers-by, I prayed against ungodly beliefs and ungodly covenants, and I declared continued healing, peace, and truth into her life.

Just as I finished praying, Natalie’s 15 year-old daughter (Serena?) walked up with her high school bestie (Kathy?). I made introductions with, “Are you guys Christians?” Serena said, “I think so,” and Kathy said, “I’m an atheist.” I immediately told Kathy, “Stop that! Don’t ever say that again! You’re too young to be an atheist!”

I took 3-4 minutes and shared the gospel with them.  (How to share the gospel)  Afterwards, I asked, “Do you believe what I’ve just shared with you?” They both, wholeheartedly, said yes. I paused and told them, “This is very serious. Do you understand that God created you, He loves you, and our sins have separated us from Him, but that He’s made a way for us through Jesus Christ to spend eternity with Him?” They both said yes. I then asked them, “Would you like to give your lives’ to Christ, right now?” They eagerly said yes. We prayed right there and through tears, they gave their lives’ to Christ. (LOL! Mom was crying too.)

The two girls set off to finish shopping, and Mom went on and to tell us that she has three daughters, the youngest we just met, Serena. Mom said that she, and her first two daughters, had dropped out of high school as a result of teen pregnancies. Mom shared her fear that Serena would follow suit because she was presently dating a senior in the school.

Just as Mom finished, Serena and Kathy came back. As they approached, I saw that Serena was holding a cell phone, so I immediately asked, “How much was your phone?” Serena said, “About $50.” I said, “I’ll give you one dollar for it.” She laughed and said no way. “Two dollars?” No. “Three?” No. “Four?” No. “Five dollars! That’s my final offer!” Serena said no way. I asked, “Why won’t you sell me your phone for five dollars?” She said, “Because it’s worth more than five dollars.” (Checkmate!)

I asked Serena, “What’s your sxxuality worth?” Confusion all over her face. She said, “Huh?” I asked again, “What’s your sxxuality worth?” She didn’t know how to answer the question, so I asked her friend, Kathy. No clue. I asked Serena, “How is it that you know the value of that stupid cell phone, but you don’t know the value of your sxxuality?” I continued, “Isn’t it possible that if you don’t know the value of your sxxuality that you’ll give it away very cheaply?” Both teens were somewhat amazed at this revelation. Kathy even let out an audible, “Whoahhh! That’s good!” I told them that their sxxualtiy is priceless. I explained that it’s worth two things from any man that pursues them: 1) A ring, and 2) His life. (I saw mom out of the corner of my eye. She was wiping her tears again. Lol!) The girls were beaming with a newfound confidence and beauty.

Saints, I don’t make these stories up. All I know is the gospel, the word of God, and my ever-growing faith in Christ. And, I’ve found that as I step out in faith and confront people with the love of Christ, amazing things happen. Ephesians 2:10 reads, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” The Greek word for “workmanship” is poiema — where we get the word “poem.” So basically, God as the Creator can be described as the Master-Poet. Since we are His children, we are to replicate this poetry and accomplish beauty through good works. (Hint: God creates each of us by Christ Jesus to join Him in the work He does, the good work He has gotten ready for us to do, work we had better be doing. — The Message). So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and make some poetry!