17th-century group of pilgrims and native americans gathered outdoors for a communal meal, featuring a prayerful moment.

“It’s okay — nay, appropriate — to be thankful for America!”

Thanksgiving is upon us and with it the growing hatred and feckless accusations about America. “Whites stole the land from the Indians! Genocide was perpetrated on the Indians! America was built on the backs of slaves! America is racist! America is evil!” And so on. (sigh) The sad part is that we now have, literally, an entire generation of kids that have been brainwashed into thinking these claims are true. Liberal/Progressive lies have succeeded in making Americans ashamed, apologetic, and embarrassed of our God-ordained nation.
Let me quickly say, whether one acknowledges it or not, Providence created America! God stood this nation up and, consequently, established liberties for men unique only in America. (“Mankind” for those of you that were butt-hurt because you felt women were excluded.) I start with God because American history cannot be fully understood without initially acknowledging His involvement and will for this country. So before you criticize America, you better know two things. 1) The word of God, and 2) Real American history.
History + God’s Word = Truth
History – God’s Word = Lies
Case in point: Just where the definition of freedom is concerned, people today have a primitive and warped understanding of freedom. Too many presume that “freedom is the ability to do what you want, whenever you want to do it.” This is the definition of one’s flesh. True freedom is “the ability to do what is right,” and God alone is the measuring stick for what is right or wrong. (Isaiah 45:19)
America IS exceptional and America IS good, simply because of God’s original intent, plans, and purposes for her. America was to have a unique, special role in the history of mankind on this earth, and to a large degree she has accomplished that mission. Buuutttt, because of aggressive liberals and passive conservatives, Americans are losing the Way (Christ).
Anti-American rhetoric and ideology is flooding our classrooms and campuses (Pre-school through Post-Doctorate). The internet and social media are deluged with memes of hatred and cynicism of our anthem, flag, fathers, holidays, and history… and, our people are buying into it and allowing these lies to destroy their minds and dreams (especially our young). And although these extreme, leftist claims harbor gross levels of ignorance and close-mindedness, conservatives are unsure and unable to counter these charges.
Here’s a quick list of resources that can help you:
The Light and The Glory (Peter Marshall and David Manuel)
America: Imagine the World Without Her (Dinesh D-Souza)
America is Good!  (Video)
Some questions for thought and discussion at this year’s Thanksgiving table:
1. Did God have a hand in, and a purpose for, the formation of America?
2. Did Mark 16:15 include America?
3. Did Acts 1:8 include America?
4. Was Christopher Columbus a Christian? Does it matter? (Columbus was on a mission for the Lord. Are you?)
5. Did the Indians need salvation through Christ?
6. Many Indian tribes performed human sacrifices. Acceptable?
7. Many Indian tribes participated in cannibalism. Acceptable?
8. If whites stole the land, who did the Indians get the land from?
9. Which people-group overwhelmingly lived and died to end slavery?
10. Were blacks the only slaves in America?
11. Did blacks own slaves?
12. Did Indians own slaves?
13. Was slavery unique only to America?
14. Ever heard of William Bradford?
15. Throughout history, how was every nation formed?
16. Are there ANY positives in the founding of America?
17. Do the positives outweigh the negatives?
18. Name any other country built on the premise that man would be free to govern himself with God. (I’ll wait.)
Thanksgiving was ordained as a time to reflect on God’s sovereign hand, grace, blessing, and favor for life and the creation of America. Stop focusing on the negatives, and start focusing on the positives which far outweigh the bad. It’s okay — nay, appropriate — to take this one day out of the year and express thanks and gratitude for the privilege of being a part of the greatest nation ever built on this planet! With God, you don’t have to be ashamed, apologetic, or embarrassed of America. “God bless America!”