An illustration of a woman in prayer, looking up towards a divine hand with a cross in the background.

“It is not a sin to be Black!”

Recently, I’ve been addressing some hot, controversial topics such as abortion, same-sxx marriage, and even racism. My goal is to equip and educate people — Believers and non-Believers — with more than just opinions, but with the Truth based on the Words of God. Christians should “Think on these things,” (Php 4:8) and be able, in Christlike love and power, to respond and guide others into Truth.When addressing the issue of homosxxuality, some foundational points simply must be made. Here are two pillars:

1.  “Who said ‘gay’ is okay?”  This question demands an answer! While Hollywood, the mainstream media, artists and musicians, athletes, talk shows, politicians and the President tout, endorse, promote, and even legalize and protect sin (homosxxuality), God does not. Not once in scripture does God approve of homosxxuality, or any sxxual sin, for that matter. However, as a matter of Truth, God does warn against homosxxuality in both the Old and New Testaments. (Lev 18:22; 1Cor 6:9-10; Rom 1:26-28)

When I present this biblical point, many — even immature Christians — get indignant and offensive, but it doesn’t change the Words of God. Quite often, full of themselves and pride, these people will accuse God of  being wrong  or  making a mistake. Did you hear that?! These people actually now stand and presume to judge God!

Also, don’t fall for that  “If two people really love each other”  talking point. These people DO NOT get to define that relationship as “love” without first asking if that relationship is God-approved. These people will — if you let them — bypass and ignore a qualifying question just to promote their infantile beliefs and demand acceptance. Here’s what I mean:

— About nine years ago, Sandy and I knew a young couple in Texas. They were getting married in six months, but they were engaging in premarital sxx. They asked us for prayer and accountability. As we talked with them, I asked two questions. 1) Why did you have premarital sxx? They said “love.” And 2) Are you going to tell your parents? They both said no, because God had forgiven them and they had forgiven each other.

The wedding day came, and just before they were pronounced “husband and wife,” both sets of parents grabbed the mic and took turns praising their son and daughter for remaining virgins, holding on to their purity, practicing discipline, and honoring God with their sxxuality. One of the parents even said, “Because they’ve maintained their virginity and purity, God is gonna bless this union.” The parents were beaming with pride.

To this day, I can still see the bride and groom standing there, looking down and avoiding eye-contact with each other, wishing their parents would stop talking. They were covered in shame, guilt, and regret. I share this story to illustrate a point. What reason did this couple give for having premarital sxx? They said “love.” This brings us to the million-dollar question.  “Can love ever produce that kind of shame, guilt, and regret?”  Of course not. Likewise, can a homosxxual relationship be called  love  if its’ origins and foundation is sin?

2.  “Discrimination against homosxxuals is equivalent to discrimination against Blacks.”This is an ungodly lie and blacks should be offended and outraged any time this argument is used! The reason this argument does not work is simply because, “It is NOT a sin to be black!” However, homosxxuality is a sin. But, when was the last time you heard that in the media?