A couple smiling at the camera with two young children in strollers at an amusement park.

“I have kept the faith!”

As this summer came to a close, the family and I were able to spend a day of vacation at Disney World in Orlando. Early that morning as we were entering the park, I received a strong impression from the Lord. I immediately told Sandy and my daughters, “Today, in this park, I’m gonna run into someone that I know!” (I actually repeated what I said just so I knew they understood what I was declaring.)

That afternoon, around two o’clock, Sandy and I elected to ride on a park bench for a few minutes — we needed a breather — while the girls got in line for another ride. As we were sitting there, a young man came up to me and asked, “Do I know you? Pastor Nick, is that you?” I lifted my head and, although I didn’t remember his name, I knew him… and I knew it was from the Camp Hansen Brig (prison). To keep his confinement confidential I said, “I remember you from Camp Hansen. Forgive me, but I don’t remember your name.” He laughed and said, “That’s okay. It’s Acevedo,” and the pieces started falling back into place.

We all just stared at each other for a few moments (I’m almost sure my mouth was open) and let the moment sink in. Then Acevedo began exclaiming, “Oh my God! God is so good! Are you kidding me?! It’s Pastor Nick and Pastor Sandy! Pastor Nick, God has blessed me so much! It’s been three years since my release from confinement, but Pastor Nick, I have kept the faith! Seriously, I have kept the faith!” At that, honestly, I almost burst into tears, but Acevedo continued, “I remember so much of what you taught me! I continue to share those principles with my family and with my co-workers! You changed my life!” Of course, I was choked up by this time, but he went on, “God has blessed me so much! I have a great wife!” He introduced us and continued, “This is our oldest son, and these are our eighteen-month-old twins! I have a great job, which is why I can afford this vacation! God is so good!” Sandy and I were speechless.

We four adults were overwhelmed and astonished by this God-rendezvous! Acevedo burst out, “God, You’re so good! Lord, You set this up! Thank You, so much! Who could’ve known that we’d meet again like this?!!” We all felt the same.

I am so thankful to God for setting up this moment. He didn’t have to do it, but He did. It meant the world to me and it melted my heart with a re-awareness of the privilege it is to serve Him. This convergence was a gift from my Father, and throughout the rest of my day in the park, I was consumed with reflection and gratitude. My cup was truly running over.