A well-used book with a black cover, visible wear and tear, and tabbed pages resting on a wooden surface.

“I believed, so I spoke.”

Since 1998, while on Okinawa, “I believed, so I spoke.” (2Cor 4:13) As my beliefs in Christ have increased, so has my speech. Honestly, the more I believe, the more I speak.

As such, literally every ministry we’re doing here has been bracketed and targeted for elimination! This week, I received two more emails from government authorities demanding justification and qualification for my ministerial presence on the bases. Presently, every primary ministry the Lord has been using us to build here, over these twenty years, is under direct, heavy assault! Saints, we are in desperate need of your “now” prayers!

  1. Our request for SOFA status has been denied (for now, Lol), which has led to…
  2. Our Friday Brig Sxx Class of twelve years coming into question as authorities are asking for my qualifications (concentrated degrees, licenses, and certificates), which has led to…
  3. Our Base Chapel Bible studies (Brig and Schwab) of twenty years being scrutinized as to its’ legality.
  4. I was banned from the Welcome Aboard Briefs because I was too offensive.
  5. The building owner of Zebulun wants to take us to Japanese court to evict us over rental cost disputes.

Real talk. My initial response to these attacks came from my flesh-man. My flesh cried things like, “Yikes!” And, “Just tone down your speech,… Stop being so aggressive and provoking,… Be more diplomatic,” and finally, “Father, why have You forsaken me?!! Aaugh!!!”

But, the more I am squeezed and forced into a corner, to the point where I have to respond to my accusers, I find that, through the power of the Holy Spirit, my spirit-man begins to arise and speak. “God, You are bigger than anything we face! Lord, these are Your ministries, but if You’re closing these doors, we know for certain we still carry Your message, Your calling, and Your power! We will build and plant anywhere You send us! And, (2Cor 12:7-10) Lord, I truly thank You for these challenges. They keep me from becoming conceited and distracted because of the surpassing greatness of Your works and accomplishments through me. I receive these difficulties as thorns, given me in my flesh, messengers of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. Lord, I have pleaded with You to take these problems away, but You said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ So Father, I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. O God, for the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (1Pe 4:12-14) Father, I repent. You told me not to be surprised at the fiery trials I would go through, as if something strange was happening to me. Instead, You told me to be very glad because these trials make me partners with Christ in His suffering, so that I will have the wonderful joy of seeing His glory when it is revealed to all the world. Father, You told me to be happy when I am insulted for being a Christian, for then Your glorious Spirit rests upon me.”

What a stark contrast between my flesh-man and my spirit-man! On the one hand, my flesh wants comfort, safety, security, peace, blessings… the path of least resistance. On the other hand, my spirit-man gets excited for hardships, challenges, and opportunities to exercise faith in God and His power! My spirit-man, now aroused to battle, whoops, “Wooh-hooh! Yes! Persecution! Praise the Lord! I get to wholly depend on God for His deliverance! Lord, I am so far out here that if You don’t deliver me, I’m going down! Hallelujah! Bring it on!” (Lol! Faith can sound so insane sometimes.)

Beloved, Sandy and I are mindful that this is fundamentally a spiritual battle (2Cor 10:4-5 and Eph 6:12). Please know that we’re NOT taking any of these hardships as signs that “The battle is lost,” or “God must be closing doors,” or “Maybe our work here is finished,” or “These must be signs that God is telling us to pack up and go home.” On the contrary, we are buckling down, and pressing on. (I’m kinda hard-headed like that.)

Still, we have to go through. Tomorrow (Friday), I am to give an account to some authorities and judges. (Nervous, much? Lol!) What am I supposed to say? What do they want to hear? As Sandy (I love her name, tho’!) and I were praying and discussing this, the Holy Spirit just reminded me of this: “When they drag you into their meeting places, or into police courts and before judges, don’t worry about defending yourselves — what you’ll say or how you’ll say it. The right words will be there. The Holy Spirit will give you the right words when the time comes.” (Lu 12:11-12 Msg) Practically in tears, here.

For the record, over these years, so much Kingdom fruit has been harvested for His glory. Countless disciples have been made! Bottom Line: He is Lord and our lives are in His hands.

What are You teaching us, Lord?
– My trials keep me dependent on God (2Cor 12:7-10)
– My trials keep me close to God (Jn 6:68-69)
– My trials are good for my growth (Rom 5:1-5; Jms 1:2-4)
– His power shows up in my calamities (Lu 12:11-12)
– The degree to which you believe, is the degree to which you will speak.
– The Flipside: The degree to which you don’t believe, is the degree to which you will be silent.
Simply put, “I believe, so I speak.”

Philippines Medical Mission Outreach (PMMO) 2020

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These are the numbers from ARMS 2019. Incredible! Please partner with us in these Kingdom works.

Asian Relief & Medical Services (ARMS) 2020 is on for April 13th – 24th. People from around the globe will be participating as we provide free medical and dental services to the needy, and present the gospel to every attendee.

Presently, we are scheduled to minister at seven sights, maybe eight. With up to 600-800 men, women, and children at each sight, the potential for impacting these communities with the gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is enormous!

Me, Sandy, and Danielle are hoping to attend by raising $2,000 each (Total $6k). Please know that when you partner with us through your giving, you become a benefactor in the Kingdom fruit that is harvested. (See Php 4:17) So, please consider joining us in these works by sowing into this ARMS mission. When you do, please designate your gift to ARMS. (Donate Here)

Agree with us in Prayer

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Literally, all but one prisoner has been attending our bi-weekly (Wednesdays & Fridays) classes. They are like sponges, hungrily absorbing God-stuff!

a. For the Brig/Prison: I continue to ask God for all the souls in the Brig, even the Guards. Pray for the inmates, guards, and their families. Bind up spirits of bitterness, unforgiveness, shame, condemnation, and pride. And loose a spirit of salvation, discipleship, forgiveness, exposure, healing, deliverance, peace, and restoration!

b. For continued increase at ZCDC (Churchplant). It’s very important that we pray for mature, qualified families and permanent personnel to co-labor with us in the northern-most, remote area of Okinawa.

c. For a Zebulun Worship Team.

d. For our Believers, that they walk in increased discernment, wisdom, maturity, power, and that they are properly discipled, and that they bear much Kingdom fruit!

e. Pray against retaliatory, unclean spirits (on base and off base). Bind up demonic spirits of lust, division, strife, envy, competition, and fear. And loose a spirit of unity, peace, love, and faith among Believers.

f. For our current schedule, i.e. finances, resources, wisdom, strategies, and strength:
– Sun: Share/Report Christians In Action ministries
– Mon: Radical & Relevant (R&R) @7pm
– Wed: Brig Christian Fellowship (BCF) @7pm
– Thu: Publish Think On These Things newsletters
– Thu: Publish YouTube Videos (Channel: YahwehHasASon)
– Fri: Sxxual Integrity & Restoration (SIR) @9am
– Sat: Zebulun Christian Discipleship Center (ZCDC) @6pm

Make a Donation

In closing…

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“Because of everything you do I never will stop loving you… You always come through, no matter what you do… Because of you… you’re my everything… Listen to me, girl… You’re always there when I need someone to talk to… You’ve given me more love every time… We shared our dreams and now our dreams are our realities… The whole wide world is out there waiting for you and me… But I know it’s worth what we’ve been through… Because I’m so glad to be in love with you.”

Thank you for your prayers. They are precious to us.

As insane as it sounds, in the midst of all these assaults, we haven’t missed an outreach. Until they throw us out and lock the doors, we will see folks saved, baptized, and discipled! I don’t know how to do less.

Saints, please know the costs of being full-time missionaries in Japan — financial, physical, and emotional — are enormous. We can use your help. Please consider partnering with us through your faith-giving. Your monetary donations and support simply help us to continue in the Lord’s works. Financial gifts and contributions can be made online through Christians In Action. Or, you can mail contributions to the address listed below.

I declare that you fully know that it is impossible to please God without faith, and anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him!
(Heb 11:6)
In His will,
Pastor Nick & Sandy Guerra

Contributions can be mailed to:
Dominic Guerra (Acct# 426)
c/o Christians In Action, Missions International
1318 E. Shaw Avenue – Suite 308
Fresno, CA 93710-7912

  •  Please ensure Acct #426 is annotated on your contribution so the funds can be allocated correctly.
  •  Please share/forward these newsletters at your discretion.

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— Our Mission & Vision —

“Gather Sheep & Convert Goats!”

“Catch, Clean, & Release!”