Inspirational quote by g.k. chesterton on belief and worship, presented on a parchment-like background.

“I am God, and you are not!”


Any person, pleasure, pain, problem, or philosophy in your life that is greater than God is an idol. Often times, idolatry can be so subtle. Review this checklist of sorts to better gauge idols in your life. (Read “Where is God in that _______?”)


It’s Holy Week and it’s so good to know that Jesus is alive and that God is still God! Exodus 20:2-3 reads, “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.” Did you catch that??? Here, as God began to articulate His laws, this was His very first truth. I can imagine God thinking, “We must start with this. Because before you can partake of any other of My truths, you absolutely must acknowledge this one first. I am God, and you are not.”

To illustrate this key principle, I often write on a chalkboard “1+1+1+1…” I ask, “If I did this a hundred times, what should the final product be?” Of course, the product (truth) would be 100. I then ask, “But what if I got the first number wrong, yet added all the remaining numbers correctly? Would I get the correct product?” No, because if I don’t get the first one right, then no matter what else I conclude, my end result would still be wrong. My point is that every man, woman, and child must humble themselves and acknowledge, “God is Master, Creator, and Judge of all things.” God said acknowledge that and we can proceed.

Again, as God began to communicate His laws to Moses and mankind, this issue of idolatry is the very first thing He addresses. But many people today, to include Christians, think of idolatry as literally, physically worshipping other false gods and statues. The reality is that idolatry encompasses far much more. Simply put, I can ask, “What competes with God in our lives? What do we immediately run to for comfort?” Our honest answers can be quite telling because anything that competes with God in our lives is an idol. For clarity, idolatry can be defined as “any Person, any Pleasure, any Pain, any Problem, or any Philosophy in our life that is greater than God is an idol.” I call these “The 5 Ps of Modern-Day Idolatry.”

So, compound this with the reality that we presently live in a society saturated and warped with increased misunderstanding of God and escalating anti-god ideology, it’s no wonder God warned us about idols. With so many things today competing for our interests and attention, we are not so much attracted to Christ, as we are distracted from Christ. These “distractions” recruit and beg for our attention and allegiance. Here are some brief explanations and examples of those Five Ps:

1.Persons: relationships (ungodly or untimely), spouses, children, athletes, celebrities, political figures, pastors, critics, fans, sexual partners (past and present)…
2.Pleasures: smartphones, internet, social media, music, Netflix, alcohol, nicotine, drugs, sex, showers, sleep, gambling, money, eating, working out, bad habits, materialism, procrastination and laziness, indifference…
3.Pains: fears, failures, doubt, complacency, addictions, bad habits, betrayals, scars (mental/physical), disappointments, being ignored, being overlooked, forgotten, unnoticed, worries, unfulfilled or broken dreams, self-abuse, bored…
4.Problems: work, marriage, ministry, family, addictions, showers, money and finances, taxes, critics, competing for promotions, pursuing that degree…
5.Philosophies: ungodly beliefs (I’m unlucky, I’m an accident, I’m a failure, etc.), hopeless, despondent, works-based faith, fears, worries, own worst critic…

As I fight to draw closer to Christ every day, the more I discover these idols in my life. I honestly admit that I still find it far easier to be overwhelmed by these Five Ps than the Lord. BUUUTTTTTT, I fight!!! And as I grow in the Lord, I’m quicker to identify these idols, I’m quicker to remember that God is greater, and I’m quicker to repent. The presence and goodness of God still melts my wandering heart.

Of course, this week reflect on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but ask yourself, “Is Jesus really Lord of my life, or not? Over all of my life? Every area?” Without a doubt Jesus is Lord. He has always been Lord. He will always be Lord. But today is the perfect time to contrast the Lordship of Jesus Christ with my actual thoughts, words, and deeds (Ps 19:14). Moment by moment, am I living a Christ-centered life? Where do I wander? And then trust Him to bring you home! Because He said in Hebrews 12:2 that He is the author and finisher of our faith, and in Philippians 1:6 that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion on the day of Christ! To God be all the glory! Jesus is alive!

▪My YouTube videos addressing a wide range of topics (Here)
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So much ministry occurs every week! We make Disciples!
These men and women endure my unorthodox, direct, and candid approach towards the things of Christ. However, as they endure they are discipled quickly! Watch “On a scale of 1-10, what kind of Christian are you?” Measuring maturity in a Christian.(
Role-playing – Christians vs. Critics. This “Fix Bayonets” exercise produces much Kingdom fruit in their lives and in their communities. (Read “We make disciples!”)
This young lady (Reina) came to Zebulun, heard the gospel, and through her tears surrendered her life to Christ. We’ll be baptizing her soon! Glory to God! (Make a Donation:
Justin experienced radical and immediate transformation into Christ! This is a life that is rapidly being changed and conformed to Christ! Watch “He ain’t the same guy!” Principles of a changed life! (
John 13:14-17 “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you. Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.” (Donate:
Foot-washing for another group of men graduating their six-month discipling course! We wash their feet as an example of how they are to serve others. And we “send them into the harvest” in Jesus’ name, to minister to the lost, confused, and dying! (Read “They did not need to die!”)
Blessing them in the name of Jesus, and declaring the will of God on their lives! (Donate:
Learning to tackle every issue Christians face today with the Word of God through “Fix Bayonets” exercises! (Read “By what authority do you speak?”)
Agree with us in prayer:

a. For reinstatement of Brig ministries (Wednesday night Bible Study and Friday morning Sexual Integrity & Restoration (SIR) classes. Pray for the dissolution of confusion and that ungodly strongholds be broken over the Brig. I continue to ask the Lord to either super-naturally reopen these doors or to help me let it go.

b. Pray for mature, Qualified Families and Permanent Personnel to co-labor with us in this northern-most, remote area of Okinawa. Henoko/Schwab outreach carries a constant rebuilding nature due its high turnover rate and operational tempo. As we’ve just graduated another class, we literally have to labor and rebuild a new congregation. This rebuilding occurs practically every six months. Pray for our strength, wisdom, and resources as we gather more sheep and convert more goats.

c. Pray for our current schedule, i.e. finances, resources, wisdom, strategies, and strength:

▪ Sun: Share/Report Christians In Action ministries
▪ Mon: Radical & Relevant (R&R) @7pm
▪ Wed: Pray for Reinstatement of Brig Christian Fellowship (BCF) @7pm
▪ Thu: Publish Think On These Things newsletters
▪ Thu: Publish YouTube Videos (Channel: YahwehHasASon)
▪ Fri: Pray for Reinstatement of Sexual Integrity & Restoration (SIR) @9am
▪ Sat: Zebulun Christian Discipleship Center (ZCDC) @6pm

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My YouTube videos
If you have benefitted from our labor in the Lord, whether through in-person ministries and outreaches, YouTube videos, Brig ministry, or these Newsletters, please consider sowing back into these works. Please know that after your chapter in Okinawa was over, others continue to come and need this same type of discipling and family. Read 1Cor 9:11-14 and Php 4:17. (Donate:
I can’t thank God enough for this woman! Sandy has endured me, molded me, counseled me, guided me, served me, humbled me, and loved me. She’s the best example I know of someone who lays their life down to serve others. Watch “Apologize to Sandy.” A lesson from God about cleaning and clearing my marital foundation of sin and compromise. (
In closing:

Saints, I deeply apologize for the lapse in newsletters. Please forgive me. I’ve had my hands full with ministry, renewing our Japanese immigration, and US travel plans. I thank you greatly for your prayers. We need them and covet them.

As travel restrictions in Japan ease up a bit, we’re hoping to get to the US soon. It’s been a few years since we’ve traveled, but we need a sabbatical, of sorts. In the meantime, please be in prayer that God would help us fill the gaps in ministry in our absence. Pray for qualified, dedicated, and mature Believers to stand in the gap for us.

Lastly, we need your help. Being full-time missionaries in Japan is quite expensive and quite taxing. Compound that with the nature and location of our outreaches (remote and northernmost), and the dynamic of constant rebuilding every six months, makes for a special calling and anointing. Few ministries want to do what we do, go where we go, and say what we say, but God has equipped us for this work. And the result is genuine Kingdom fruit being harvested every week. Please consider partnering with us through your monetary gifts and donations. Financial contributions can be made online through Christians In Action. Or, you can mail contributions to the address listed below.

I declare that you pass on what’s most important, that Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said, and Christ was buried and raised from the dead on the third day, just at the Scriptures said! (1Cor 15:3-4)
In the Life of Christ!
Nick & Sandy, Bond-servants of Christ

Contributions can be sent to:
Dominic Guerra (Acct# 426)
c/o Christians In Action, Missions International
1300 E. Shaw Ave., Ste. 135
Fresno, CA 93710-7904

▪Please ensure Acct #426 is annotated on your contribution so the funds can be allocated correctly.
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