Close-up of a highlighted verse in a bible with handwritten annotations.

“Hey you! Christian! Engage!”

Engage [en-geyj]
verb (used with object), en·gaged, en·gag·ing.
1. to occupy the attention or efforts of (a person or persons): He engaged her in conversation.
2. to secure for aid, employment, use, etc.; hire: to engage a worker; to engage a room.
3. to attract and hold fast: The novel engaged her attention and interest.
4. to attract or please: His good nature engages everyone.
5. to bind, as by pledge, promise, contract, or oath; make liable: He engaged himself to repay his debt within a month.
6. to betroth (usually used in the passive): They were engaged last week.
7. to bring (troops) into conflict; enter into conflict with: Our army engaged the enemy.
8. Mechanics. to cause (gears or the like) to become interlocked; interlock with.
9. to attach or secure.

Here are examples of various “engagements” and encounters with strangers that I may have in any given week. These three particular conversations happened over one weekend.

“What’s your sexuality worth?”

After dinner one night, a handful of us visited a local mall. While Sandy and the ladies were shopping, I sat on a bench and did some people-watching with Elaine, our missionary friend from Canada. Soon, a thirty-eight year-old woman named Natalie sat next to us and we struck a conversation.

Natalie shared that 18 months ago she attempted suicide by drug overdose. EMT’s found her and while in the ambulance, she felt God speaking to her and revealed to her the true identity He gave her. She immediately rejected the substandard identity she had formed without God. She said, “Right there God gave me life, true purpose, dignity, and value.”

Natalie described her life before Christ — physically and sexually abused as a child, heavy into drugs and alcohol as a teen. She even explored lesbianism. Years ago her 4 ½ month-old baby died of acid reflux, and a few years after that, her younger brother also died unexpectedly. I prayed for her right there, in front of passers-by. I prayed against ungodly beliefs and ungodly covenants and I declared continued healing, peace, and truth be loosed into her life.

We just finished praying and Natalie’s 15-year-old daughter (Serena) walked up with her high school, friend (Kathy). I asked right out, “Are you guys Christians?” Serena said, “I think so,” and Kathy said, “I’m an atheist.” I immediately told Kathy, “Stop that! Never say that again! You’re too young to be an atheist.” I spent 3-4 minutes and shared the gospel with them. Afterwards I asked, “Do you guys believe what I’ve just shared with you?” They both, excitedly and wholeheartedly, said yes. I paused and told them, “This is very serious. Do you understand that God created you, He loves you, but our sins are wretched and have separated us from Him? Yet, He made a way for us to spend eternity with Him.” They both said yes. I then asked them, “Would you like to give your lives to Christ, right now?” They eagerly said yes and we prayed right there and they surrendered their lives to Christ. (The mom was literally crying.)

The two girls went off to continue shopping and Natalie explained that she has four daughters – the youngest being Serena. Natalie confessed she got pregnant in high school and dropped out. Her first three daughters did exactly the same. Natalie hoped this cycle would break with Serena, who is now a freshman, but Serena also just started dating a high school senior. The writing was on the wall.

Just as Natalie finished telling me this, Serena and Kathy walked back up. As they approached, I noticed Serena was holding a cell phone so I immediately asked, “How much was your phone?” Serena said, “About $50.” I said, “I’ll give you $1 dollar for it.” She said no way. “$2? $3? $4? Final offer, $5!” Serena said no way. I asked her, “Why won’t you sell me your phone for $5?” She said, “Because it’s worth more than $5.” I asked her, “What’s your sexuality worth?” Completely taken aback, she didn’t know. I asked her, “How is it that you know the value of that stupid cell phone, but you don’t know the value of your sexuality?” I continued, “Since you don’t know the value of your sexuality, isn’t it likely that you’ll give it away cheaply?” Both teens were somewhat shocked and amazed at this revelation. Kathy let out an audible, “Whoahhh! That’s good!” I told them, “Your sexuality is priceless! And you make a guy earn it with a ring and his life!” We prayed again. (I saw mom out of the corner of my eye. She was wiping her tears.)
Do not awaken love until it is time!
(Read “You’re not planting ‘happily-ever-after’ seeds!”)
“How do you like them apples?”

I was invited to give a missions report to Pastor Joseph Reed and the First Christian Church (FCC) of Fredericksburg, VA. I also shared a word I felt God had given to me for that body. At 2 AM that morning, I was awakened by the Holy Spirit. As I prayed for FCC, God showed me an apple tree and accompanying questions, which I posed:

1.What kind of fruit does an apple tree produce?
2.Who are the apples for?
3.What’s the greatest purpose of the apple tree?

The answers:

1. Apple trees produce apples.
2. The apples are NOT for the apple tree. The apples are for people and animals.
3. The apple tree’s greatest purpose and fulfillment is realized when it gives its apples away.

The majority of the church members were retired, senior citizens, and basically were, to a large degree, inactive with their faith-works. However, I told them they are like the apple trees, and that God has given them many apples over their lifetime — experience, wisdom, and revelation. I told them that those apples on their branches aren’t for them, that society would benefit greatly from their apples. I challenged them to find people willing to receive their apples. Then I closed with, “Asked someone, ‘How do you like them apples?’” (Lol!)
I’ve heard too many Christians say, “I don’t need to preach the gospel because I just let my light shine. After all, actions speak louder than words.” Poppycock and balderdash! Lol!
(Read ““Sometimes silence is golden. Other times it’s just plain yellow.”)
“Y’all are not married because you don’t trust each other!”

The next day, Sandy and I were walking through a mall and we met a young couple who had a baby and were shacking up. I bluntly asked them, “Why aren’t y’all married?” They both said things like, “Marriage is a serious thing. Marriage is a lifelong commitment. We want to make sure. I’m not sure he/she will commit to the end. Blah-blah-blah.”

I interrupted and told them, “Y’all are not married because you don’t trust each other!” They both just stared at me in disbelief and minor shock. (Lol!) I told them, “You both have already violated the trust in this relationship.” They were listening with great interest so I briefly explained. “Young man, you’ve proven that you couldn’t be trusted with her purity and her heart. Because you didn’t understand this, you’ve depreciated and devalued her body and her reputation. Look at your actions. You’ve had premarital sex, had a baby out of wedlock, you’re shacking up, and you don’t go to church. Tell me, what girl dreams of growing up, having premarital sex, having a baby before marriage, shacking up, and living in sin?” Humbly and honestly, he said, “None.” I told him, “Your record in this relationship is a reflection, even proof, of what kind of man you are. I know you can do better.”

I turned to the young lady. “He doesn’t trust you because early in the relationship, when you had a chance to be strong for both of you, and show you understood the value of sex, you compromised and gave up your body in hopes of ‘catching’ this man. It ended up in a premature, unplanned pregnancy.”

I told them that because trust in this relationship has been violated their relationship foundation was unstable — full of sin and compromise. I explained, even if they do marry, they both will spend a great deal of energy, emotions, and time dealing with major, foundational relationship issues. Primarily, he’ll often wrestle and wonder if she got pregnant on purpose, and she’ll always wrestle and wonder if he married her because he really loves her or did he marry her just because of the baby. I told them marriage is already hard enough without bringing additional baggage into it. Right there on the spot, I shared the gospel with them and they prayed for forgiveness, healing, and restoration in their relationship. I told them only Christ can restore their foundation. They said they were grateful for the time we shared.
Psalm 11:3 says, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Only through Christ can we find true forgiveness and restoration.
(Read “You’ve been practicing for divorce!”)

Saints, I share these conversations with you so as to be an example to you, and to encourage you to engage souls for Christ. Any boldness or wisdom I have comes from the Lord. I don’t/can’t manufacture these daily encounters. I just try to walk in love, faith, and obedience to the Spirit of God. And, He promised to always meet me at the point of obedience. (Very soon, I’ll share with you when God taught me this principle. It involves me stealing a camera zoom lens. I can be such a pinhead. Lol!)2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” This passage instructs us to capture and contrast every belief, ideology, philosophy, and experience — others and ours — to the Word of God.

Honestly, today, regardless of which direction you turn, you will find people who are lost, confused, in pain, and dying. This is one reason why “creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.” (Rom 8:19) Lost, fallen people — although they don’t fully know this — are desperately waiting for Christians to manifest and point them to life, truth, healing, relief, and answers.

So, stop holding back! Stop procrastinating! Stop being afraid! Stop being ignorant! Stop being indifferent! And stop being lukewarm! Engage with Christ and with people, now!

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Daily, I focus on making disciples. I provoke! I challenge! I expose! I involve! I immerse! This giant wall-map is a glimpse of folks who have come through our concentrated, confrontational ministries.
– Watch “Fix bayonets” drills! (
When was the last time you were on your knees or prostrate before the Lord? We must acknowledge that the position of our physical body often reflects our degree of reverence for God. During worship, I invited and encouraged the people to join me in humility before our God. To some degree, we’re all guilty of neglecting God. (Read “I’ve been neglecting God.”)
If you’ve genuinely benefitted from any of the Lord’s works we’re involved in, please help us continue ministering to those in need of salvation and discipling. (Make a Donation:
Agree with us in Prayer:

a. For the Brig/Prison: Pray for all the souls (the leaders, the inmates, the guards, and their families). The battle here continues to increase. There’s a squeezing and strangling, of sorts, happening here. Pray earnestly for the souls of these men! Pray that we reestablish a godly stronghold over the prison population. Bind up demonic spirits of discord, hate, religion, bitterness, unforgiveness, shame, condemnation, laziness, indifference, procrastination, and pride. And loose a spirit of salvation, discipleship, forgiveness, humility, exposure, healing, deliverance, peace, restoration, unity, and cooperation!

b. For continued increase at ZCDC (Churchplant). Pray for the constant “fishing” that must be done, as Camp Schwab is highly transient and we must continually gather replacement folks. Approximately every six months we rebuild with new faces. Not many ministers are called to this kind of work. (FYI: the beauty in this is that we get to rapidly disciple and equip men and women and release them into the world! Shabbah! Lol!) Pray for my strength, wisdom, and resources as we gather new souls on Camp Schwab. We are called to gather sheep and convert goats. Pray for mature, Qualified Families and Permanent Personnel to co-labor with us in this northern-most, remote area of Okinawa.

c. For Zebulun Worship Team. Our lead singer is till out on military exercise. Continue to pray for the releasing of prophetic, powerful praise and worship!

d. For our Believers to walk in increased discernment, wisdom, maturity, power, and works, that they are properly discipled, and that they bear much Kingdom fruit, now! Many of our people are fasting for the first time. Pray for them to learn to command their flesh-man to serve them.

e. Pray against retaliatory, unclean spirits from On-Base and Off-Base. Bind up demonic spirits of control, division, envy, strife, competition, lust, and fear. And loose a spirit of unity, peace, love, maturity, discipleship, and faith among Believers.

f. For our current schedule (finances, resources, wisdom, strategies, and strength):

– Sun: Share/Report Christians In Action ministries
– Mon: Radical & Relevant (R&R) @7pm
– Wed: Brig Christian Fellowship (BCF) @7pm
– Thu: Publish Think On These Things Newsletters
– Thu: Publish YouTube Videos (Channel: YahwehHasASon)
– Fri: Sexual Integrity & Restoration (SIR) @9am
– Sat: Zebulun Christian Discipleship Center (ZCDC) @6pm

– See Facebook Live Ministerial Videos
– Make a Donation
This is an aerial view of the Camp Hansen Brig (prison). Please pray for this ministry as the opposition, interference, and attacks increase every week.
Read “Pastor Nick never sings to me like that.”, how Sandy sang to an inmate through the food tray in his steel door. This inmate had just received a sentence of life without parole for murder.
Summer 1986. Sandy and I were married a few months later. I could never have imagined that 34+ years of marriage could hold so much beauty and happiness. And, there’s no way either of us could have known that we’d lay down our lives and be ordained, full-time missionaries in Japan for over twenty years.
(Read “Epiphany on I-70E” about a moment that changed my life and marriage.)
In closing…

Saints, thank you for your prayers. They are precious to us, and they do make a Kingdom difference. Thank you.

The overwhelming majority of our time is spent making disciples. Sure, we lead people to salvation through Christ, and we see them baptized, and this is an amazing thing. However, receiving Christ and getting baptized takes moments. Making a disciple takes time. This is where my model of “Catch, Clean, & Release” comes from. It’s what we do.

As such, please know that the Kingdom of God is being preached and lives are being changed for the glory of our Risen King! We could use your help. Please consider partnering with us in these ministries through your monetary donations and support. Financial gifts and contributions can be made online through Christians In Action. Or, you can mail contributions to the address listed below.

I declare that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints! (Jude 1:3)
In the good fight,
Pastor Nick & Sandy Guerra

Contributions can be sent to:
Dominic Guerra (Acct# 426)
c/o Christians In Action, Missions International
PO Box 25093
Fresno, CA 93729

▪ Please ensure Acct #426 is annotated on your contribution so the funds can be allocated correctly.
▪ Please share/forward these newsletters at your discretion.

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— Our Mission & Vision —
“Gather Sheep & Convert Goats!”
“Catch, Clean, & Release!”