People removing a statue and a monument with a message suggesting a common motive behind both actions.

“He who is without sin, remove the first statue!”

“Robert E. Lee was a slave owner and a racist! His statues bring me pain and torment! Tear them down!” These are the cries from Liberals and Progressives operating in rebellion and anarchy. What are we to do? How are we to respond? Should we erase US history? Is the history of America something to be ashamed of, even to this day?

My immediate response to those who would remove these statues? “He who is without sin among you, remove the first statue!” Do I have to state the obvious?!! Jesus said in John 8:7, “He who is among you without sin, cast the first stone.” Romans 3:10 says, “None is righteous, no, not one!” And Romans 3:23 says, “All have sinned!” Beloved, the truth is, these brats (Frequently and appropriately, I refer to liberals/progressives as brats. Read Newsletter:  “America, we have a brat infestation!”) are selectively sifting through notable American history makers for sin, casting judgment, and pronouncing sentence. And what’s worse is, conservatives and Christians are letting them get away with this!

I’ve engaged many who, for various primitive reasons, supported the removal of Confederate statues. I blast them with, “How would you like someone to scrounge through your past only for your sins, shame and guilt?! What titles, positions, and accomplishments would you have to forfeit because you’re a bad person and not worthy?! How would you like to be remembered, not for any possible good you’ve done, but only for your sins and failures? Would you like this legacy?!!” (Remember Joe Paterno and Penn State?) Every, single person I’ve confronted has said that wouldn’t be fair. Duh! (LOL!) I thank God that His word says “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (2Cor 5:17)

Believers, when you see liberals (brats) protesting, kneeling for the anthem, rioting, fighting, looting, tearing down statues, blocking traffic, disrespecting authority, etc., understand clearly that you’re witnessing  flesh on display! Galatians 5:19-21 says, “Now the works of the flesh are evident… (vs.20) enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, (vs.21) envy…”

Also, recognize that the spirits behind these people and activities are godless! I challenge anyone to find a genuine Christian participating with those mobs. 1 John 4:1-3 says, “Test the spirits whether they be of God… (vs.2) By this you know the Spirit of God; every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God.” And Hebrews 5:14 reads, “Solid food is for those who are mature, who through training have the skill to recognize the difference between right and wrong.” Start exercising some discernment! Ask the Lord for recognition of the spirits behind these movements so you can declare right from wrong!

These godless people are alleging and advancing the ideology that “America is evil because her foundation was racist and she was built on the backs of slaves!” (Read Newsletter:  “Before you criticize America!”) America’s foundation was, still is, and will always be God! However, remember that our primary and fundamental battle is a spiritual one (Read 2Cor 10:3-5), so pray fervently and continually. Honestly, it’s time for conservatives and the church to stop engaging these brats on a rational, intellectual level. There’s no reasoning with brats because they don’t possess critical thinking skills. They just want their way! And, stop rewarding and appeasing brat behavior as it only emboldens them, and they’ll take more and more ground.

Finally, some food for thought. Proverbs 22:28 reads, “Do not move the ancient landmark that your fathers have set.” And Proverbs 23:10 reads, “Do not move an ancient landmark or enter the fields of the fatherless.” America’s founding fathers and history-makers, in one aspect, are our “ancients” and have “set landmarks.” Spiritually speaking, these landmarks were in the form of their principles, examples, sacrifices, moral boundaries, etc. To allow liberals and progressives to remove these “landmarks” is to erase our history, and what’s worse, is to disconnect us from our fathers. In this we become fatherless, i.e. bastards. (More on this in an upcoming newsletter.)