A deer with antlers peering through tall yellow flowers with an inspirational quote by simon tugwell overlaying the image.

“God is pursuing you!”

Christmas Day is just around the corner. Pause now and ask yourself (and others, if you’re feeling emboldened)…

  1. What was God thinking??? (Eph 1:3-14)
  2. God made flesh??? (Jn 1:14)
  3. Immanuel? God with us??? (Mt 1:23)

What’s going on here should be proclaimed throughout the four corners of the earth! “God is pursuing you!” The birth of Jesus Christ is a colossal reflection of God’s love and faithfulness towards us. With the gift of Jesus, God is saying, “This is how much I love you!”

Case in point, Psalm 23:6 reads, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” That word follow in Hebrew is raÃŒ”šdaph. It means to run after, to chase, follow after/on, to hunt, to persecute. Think about that. God is pursuing you, in a manner of hunting you down, so He can persecute you and overwhelm you with His goodness and mercy! With the birth of Jesus, and this passage in Psalms, God’s love, faithfulness, and commitment towards us should never be questioned!

Last Christmas, a prisoner (R) eagerly shared something that happened. R was doing a crossword puzzle when a god-skeptic struck up a conversation. The skeptic told R that he wanted tangible, visible proof from God that He exists. You know, that old, “God, if You’re real, give me a sign,” deal. After going back and forth, R finally asked the skeptic, “What would it take for you to believe? What would satisfy you?” The skeptic didn’t really know, so R told him to close his eyes and imagine that he’s standing on a beach and the ocean surf is right at his toe-tips. R told him, “Now, imagine the ocean parting in two, creating walls you could walk through on completely dry ground.” R asked, “Would you believe in God then?” The skeptic said, “No. Because if that happened there would have to be a scientific explanation.” The skeptic went on to say that it would have to be something very personal. “Like what?” R asked. The guy said, “If God would stop the moon’s orbit, and then make it orbit in the opposite direction.” R told him, “That’s not personal. Everyone would see that. You’re just being difficult.”

R was about to move on, but he emphasized to the guy that God really loves him and will always pursue him. It was at this point that R looked down at his crossword puzzle and noticed the word ‘God’ among the mix of letters. “Look! God is right here trying to get your attention.” R showed him and the skeptic said, “That’s just a coincidence.” R looks at the puzzle again and “Bam!” he finds a second ‘God’. Skepti-boy says, “That’s not unlikely among all those letters.” Stepping out on faith, R asks him, “Will you believe if I find ‘God’ a third time?” Skepti-boy says it’s highly unlikely to find ‘God’ again, but possible. Bam! There ‘God’ is a third time! R showed him and asked, “Believe yet?” Skepti-boy is a little rattled but unmoved. With increasing boldness and faith, R asks him, “Will you believe God is trying to get your attention if I look and find ‘God’ a fourth time?!!” Skepti-boy doesn’t say a thing. R looks at the puzzle again. Immediately he sees ‘God’ for the fourth time. He shows Skepti-boy, who is mildly stunned and mute. (Lol! See Crossword pic below.)

Two men, two different experiences. R, trusting in God and exercising faith is now full, and he credits God for providing in that moment. Skepti-boy, cynical and obstinate and not really looking for God, remains empty.

The entry of Jesus Christ into our world should settle any and all questions and reservations about God’s interest and love for mankind. As for me, I don’t debate the love of God. Rather, I declare it! If this isn’t proof enough for some people, then I reckon and hope they will get there when they get there.

(Final note: I remember that as we closed that night at the Brig, R hugged me and confessed to me, “Six months ago, I never would’ve had this conversation with that skeptic because I wasn’t equipped. Your classes and discipling have prepared me.” (Lump in my throat at the privilege of serving Christ and seeing Kingdom fruit.) R said, “Thanks for letting me share this story.” I told him, “This is not a story. This is a testimony… and, for stepping out in faith, it’s your testimony.”)

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God is jealous FOR us, not OF us. He is jealous for our welfare, our security, our futures.

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I think we’re all guilty of neglecting God at times. We often take Him for granted – His love, His faithfulness, His Word, His Spirit. I reckon it’s our fallen nature that keeps us so easily distracted.

USMC Ball – 3rd Recon Battalion

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This is some of the Zebulun Fam! We all had a great time of celebrating, food, felllowship, and dancing.

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This beautiful couple here! Joshua and Angie have been such a blessing! They walk in great spiritual maturity and boldness. It’s our privilege to know them and co-labor with them.

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Please keep the prisoners lifted up in prayer as they all deal with shame, regret, and forgiving themselves. Our goal is to point them to Christ for hope and restoration. All but three prisoners refuse to attend. Agree with me in claiming all these souls for God’s Kingdom!

Agree with us in Prayer

a. For the Brig/Prison: I continue to ask God for all the souls in the Brig, even the Guards. Pray for the inmates, guards, and their families. Bind up spirits of bitterness, unforgiveness, shame, condemnation, and pride. And loose a spirit of salvation, discipleship, forgiveness, exposure, healing, deliverance, peace, and restoration!

b. For continued increase at ZCDC (Churchplant). It’s very important that we pray for mature, qualified families and permanent personnel to co-labor with us in the northern-most, remote area of Okinawa.

c. For a Zebulun Worship Team.

d. For our Believers, that they walk in increased discernment, wisdom, maturity, power, and that they are properly discipled, and that they bear much Kingdom fruit!

e. Pray against retaliatory, unclean spirits (on base and off base). Bind up demonic spirits of lust, division, strife, envy, competition, and fear. And loose a spirit of unity, peace, love, and faith among Believers.

f. For our current schedule, i.e. finances, resources, wisdom, strategies, and strength:
– Sun: Share/Report Christians In Action ministries
– Mon: Radical & Relevant (R&R) @7pm
– Wed: Brig Christian Fellowship (BCF) @7pm
– Thu: Publish Think On These Things newsletters
– Thu: Publish YouTube Videos (Channel: YahwehHasASon)
– Fri: Sxxual Integrity & Restoration (SIR) @9am
– Sat: Zebulun Christian Discipleship Center (ZCDC) @6pm

Make a Donation

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“Just stick with me, mama, put your hand in mine… We can be together to love and share, to our very last dime, our last meal, our last sip of wine… Come on, baby, put your hand in mine… Together we can make this journey… Alright, it’s gonna be alright… This little thing we got, is gonna work out fine…” — Zapp

In closing…

Saints, Sandy and I can’t thank you enough for your prayers. We covet them, and we can’t do this without them.

Real talk: this has been an extremely trying year. Ministry has increased, however, so have the challenges. Lol! I heard someone say, “New levels, new devils.”

Sandy and I continue to hold fast despite opposition and obstacles. Honestly, I don’t know what else to do. I think Dori in Finding Nemo said it best. “Just keep swimming… just keep swimming…” So, we just keep going to our outreaches, minister to the people, and make disciples.

You can help us. The costs of being full-time missionaries in Japan (financial, physical, and emotional) are enormous. Please consider partnering with us through monetary donations and support. Financial gifts and contributions can be made online through Christians In Action. Or, you can mail contributions to the address listed below.

(Php 1:9-11) I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. (vs.10) For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. (vs.11) May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation — the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ — for this will bring much glory and praise to God.
In His will,
Pastor Nick & Sandy Guerra

Contributions can be sent to:
Dominic Guerra (Acct# 426)
c/o Christians In Action, Missions International
1318 E. Shaw Avenue – Suite 308
Fresno, CA 93710-7912

  •  Please ensure Acct #426 is annotated on your contribution so the funds can be allocated correctly.
  •  Please share/forward these newsletters at your discretion.

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— Our Mission & Vision —

“Gather Sheep & Convert Goats!”

“Catch, Clean, & Release!”