A red heart graphic with the text "he is jealous for you." printed on it.

“God is ‘jealous’?”

Hallelejah! Revival is happening in the Brig! Presently, all but two of the confinees are eagerly attending both weekly outreaches. (The Brothers assure me that it’s just a matter of time.) Weekly, we disciple these men with Christianity 101 stuff. We also continuously pray and declare over these men an apostolic (sending), intentional anointing! These men then “Go” back to their pods and share the love and truth of Christ and “gather” the lost. They also pounce on every new confinee with the love, truth, and gospel of Jesus Christ.  Is not this the model for the Church?!! They’ve overtaken their community with the power of the gospel, truth, love, and faith!

In faith, these inmates have organized — of sorts — and established a church inside the prison by conducting daily Bible studies, acknowledging spiritual leaders, roles, purpose, and a mission for Christ. Six of them have even said they make up the prayer team. They call themselves P.U.S.H. – Pray Until Something Happens! Even some of the guards are asking questions about “The Way.” On top of all this, we baptized six prisoners last night in our portable, inflatable kiddie pool! Praise the Lord! It was awesome!

I told these men how proud I am of them and their faith. One of the men asked me to call his mother because he was more concerned about her faith and relationship with Christ. I called his mom and she said, “My son tells me he’s very happy, but that doesn’t make sense because he’s in prison.” I explained to her that her son is really glowing with Christ, that he’s really in a good place, and that he’s more worried about her. She asked, “He really said that?” She began to cry and thank God. Through her sobbing, I could make out things like, “Thank you, Jesus,” and “Praise you, Lord!” (I was crying too.)

I shared that biweekly I am eager to be with them and that I race to get back into the prison to be with them. To emphasize, we read Romans 1:8-12 together.

“Let me say first that I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith in Him is being talked about all over the world. (vs.9) God knows how often I pray for you. Day and night I bring you and your needs in prayer to God, whom I serve with all my heart by spreading the Good News about His Son. (vs.10) One of the things I always pray for is the opportunity, God willing, to come at last to see you. (vs.11) For I long to visit you so I can bring you some spiritual gift that will help you grow strong in the Lord. (vs.12) When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.” — Paul

a. Verse 8 – I told these men that their faith is known around the world. (FYI: This Newsletter is received on every continent with the exception of Antarctica, which I have yet to confirm.)

b. Verse 9 – I pray for these men often. God has given me a burden for these men.

c. Verse 10 – I’m eager to see them again, and again.

d. Verse 11 – I’m zealous to give them something from the Lord to help the grow strong and be established in their faith.

e. Verse 12 – Even though I go into the prison to encourage them in their faith, I expect and demand to be encouraged by their faith.

I told these men that I am jealous for their faith, their welfare, and their destiny! Some had puzzled looks. I posed, “In Exodus 20:5, the Bible says God is ajealous God. But, James 3:16, 1 Corinthians 3:3, and Galatians 5:20 all say that jealousy a sin. What’s the difference?” Mixed answers. I pointed out that Webster defines jealous as “suspicious or apprehensive of rivalry.”

For clarification, I explained:
– Jealousy is okay when you’re jealous ‘FOR’ another’s welfare or benefit.
– Jealousy becomes a sin when we’re jealous ‘OF’ another.

God is jealous FOR us, not OF us. Likewise, I told these inmates I am jealous FOR them — their growth, their safety, their destinies! Please join and agree with us in prayer that this momentum would continue in the prison.