Marriage proposal at a restaurant with ring and "will you marry me?" written in sauce.

“Do you really like girls?”

So, this conversation happened in the Sexual Integrity & Restoration (SIR) class in the Brig last Friday. J (prisoner) is a thirty-one-year-old man who claims he’s an ardent agnostic. In his criticism of a god-honoring approach to sex, I asked him, “Generally speaking, do you like girls?” He quickly said yes. I told him, “I can prove you don’t really like girls.” He looked at me, puzzled. I asked, “Are you a virgin?” As if his reputation was just offended, he blurted, “Of course not.” I asked, “Have you ever been married?” He said no. “Are you ever gonna get married?” Doubt it. “Do you want kids?” Not interested.

I proceeded. “Let’s say you live to the age of ninety-one. In the next sixty years, are you gonna have sex?” He laughed and quickly answered, “Of course!” (Gotcha!) “So, if I’m hearing you correctly, you’re willing to have sex with girls, but you’re not willing to marry them.” (His face fell off.) I wasn’t done with him. “You said you really liked girls, but if you really liked girls, why do you treat them the way you do? Who do you really like? Yourself! Which is why you treat girls the way you do. It’s an extremely self-centered way of living, don’t you think?” (As direct as this conversation was, J received this correction and I could see he was processing it all.)

As we finish these classes, I reserve time for what I call “throwbacks.” By way of rehearse, repeat, and review, this is where I ask every person in attendance for input, something they received from the class – a nugget, a principle, a thought, etc. When J spoke, he said, “Corrected thinking.” I asked what he meant. He admitted that he’s routinely aroused by the content of our conversations, and he also confessed that he’s open changing his incorrect ways of thinking.

  • Titus 1:9-12 “A Steward of God must have a firm grasp of the trustworthy message that he has been taught. This will enable him to both encourage others with healthy teachings and provide convincing answers to those who oppose his message. (vs.10) There are many wayward people, smooth talkers, and deceivers… (vs.11) They must be silenced because they are disrupting entire families with their corrupt teachings, all for their dishonest greed.” (paraphrased)

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Opposition Update:

I did resubmit my request for Status Of Forces Agreement (SOFA). This is an agreement between a host country and a foreign nation stationing military forces in that country. It includes American postal system, American banking, American driver’s licenses, travel visas, on-base gas stations and prices, on-base groceries, etc.

Please pray for favor and assistance in this matter.

Also, I did receive a Japanese court summons about the rental dispute. I am to be in court on March 16th. Everything I am to present is to be translated into Japanese. Pray for a brother, as I don’t speak Japanese or know Japanese law.

Sandy and I exploring our options, and we’re completely relying on the Holy Spirit to guide us through all this. We’ve scheduled and initial appointment later today with an English-speaking Japanese lawyer. We need your prayers.

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“Foot-washing & Sending” Service

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Tim-Kat’s last service at Zebulun. For the glory of God, this man has been discipled and transformed during his time here.

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Just finished some “Fix Bayonets” exercises! This role-playing (Christians vs. Critics) produces much maturity and Kingdom fruit!

Philippines Medical Mission Outreach (PMMO) 2020

Asian Relief & Medical Services (ARMS) 2020 is on for April 13th – 24th. People from around the globe will be participating as we provide free medical and dental services to the needy, and present the gospel to every attendee.

Presently, we are scheduled to minister at seven sights, maybe eight. With up to 500-800 men, women, and children at each sight, the potential for impacting these communities with the gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ, is enormous!

Me, Sandy, and Danielle are still trying to raise $2,000 each (Total $6k). Please know that when you partner with us through your giving, you become a benefactor in the Kingdom fruit that is harvested. (See Php 4:17) So, please consider joining us in these works by sowing into this ARMS mission. When you do, please designate your gift to ARMS.

(Donate Here)

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“I have found a virtuous and capable wife in Sandy. She is more precious than rubies. I can trust Sandy and she greatly enriches my life. Sandy always brings me good, not harm, all the days of her life. Sandy finds wool and flax and busily spins it. Sandy is like a merchant’s ship, bringing her food from afar. Sandy gets up before dawn to prepare breakfast for her house and plans the day. Sandy goes to inspect a field and buys it; with her earnings she plants a vineyard. Sandy is energetic and strong, a hard worker. Sandy makes sure her dealings are profitable; her lamp burns late into the night. Sandy’s hands are busy spinning thread, her fingers twisting fiber. Sandy extends a helping hand to the poor and opens her arms to the needy. Sandy has no fear of winter for her household, for everyone has warm clothes. Sandy makes her own bedspreads. Sandy dresses in fine linen and purple gowns. I am well known at the city gates, where I sit with the other civic leaders. Sandy makes belted linen garments and sashes to sell to the merchants. Sandy is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. When Sandy speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness. Sandy carefully watches everything in her household and suffers nothing from laziness. Sandy’s children stand and bless her. As her husband, I praise her: “There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but Sandy surpasses them all!” Sandy knows that charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the LORD will be greatly praised! Reward Sandy for all she has done! Let her deeds publicly declare her praise.”

In closing…

Saints, thank you for your prayers. We need them! We thrive on them!

Despite all the major attacks and distractions (base authorities, Japanese legal, Japanese protesters, critics, naysayers, etc.) we remain sober-minded, we endure suffering, we do the work of an evangelist, and we fulfill our ministries (Read 2Tim 4:5; Col 1:25, and Col 4:17). We baptized three prisoners last week, and in the last five days, four prisoners (unrelated cases), personally confided in me that they were struggling with homosxxuality and/or bisxxuality. Each one of these men told me they’ve never told anyone this, but that the glory of God is so powerful and prevalent in our classes that they want to repent and change. Hallelujah! Glory to God!

Beloved, we also have financial challenges. The costs of being full-time missionaries in Japan — financial, physical, and emotional — are enormous. We can use your help. Please consider partnering with us through your faith-giving. Financial gifts and contributions can be made online through Christians In Action. Or, you can mail contributions to the “new address” listed below. (Address Change)

I declare that as God’s steward you have a strong belief in the trustworthy message you were taught, so you will be able to encourage others with wholesome teaching, and show those who oppose it where they are wrong. (Titus 1:9)
In His Word,
Pastor Nick & Sandy Guerra

Contributions can be mailed to:
Dominic Guerra (Acct# 426)
c/o Christians In Action, Missions International
1322 E. Shaw Ave., Suite 150
Fresno, CA 93710

Please ensure Acct #426 is annotated on your contribution so the funds can be allocated correctly.
Please share/forward these newsletters at your discretion.

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“Gather Sheep & Convert Goats!”

“Catch, Clean, & Release!”