Silhouetted hands gripping barbed wire against a textured background with the red text "am i too comfortable to be persecuted?.

“Do it for ‘The Joy!'”

It’s Holy week and a great time to reflect on the happenings of Christ some two thousand years ago. Of course, Holy week begins with Palm Sunday and Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, but pause if you will, and focus on his escalating persecutions, just prior to his agonizing crucifixion.

Jesus was fully aware that in the following days the persecution would intensify, however, he still went forward. Hebrews 12:2 says, “Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” We were “the joy,” and reconciling us to the Father was his mission! Jesus was willing to pay the high cost of suffering to bring many sons to glory (Heb 2:10).

As followers of Christ, our mission is the same (Mk 16:15). And love should compel you, as a Believer, to be acquainted with this suffering. It’s a mark of the Christian life. In Philippians 3:10, the Apostle Paul said, “That I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death.” Here’s a clue: if everyone likes you, I can guarantee you’re not walking in Kingdom love or faith, nor are you telling these folks about the Word of God. I’ll say it again, “If you love people, you’ll tell them about Jesus. If you love yourself more, you’ll be silent.”

(FYI: Some of y’all need to hear this balance – Jesus didn’t live in perpetual suffering. Some of you try to live your entire Christian life in constant, endless suffering. Gimme a break! Jesus was only acquainted with suffering. So, for the record, don’t manufacture suffering and persecution, or go looking for trouble. Lol! You don’t have to do that. Just try to audibly, openly confront people with the love of Christ and the truth of God’s word, and trust me, the opposition and hostilities will come.)

So when persecution and suffering comes, you shouldn’t be surprised. Meditate on these quick points:

a. Every act of obedience will increase your faith
b. Every act of disobedience will decrease your faith
c. Obedience always leads to persecution
d. Persecution is a byproduct of faith
e. Your silence is a form of denial of Christ
f. Spiritual POW’s – are you one?

Also, in “The Insanity of Obedience,” Nik Ripken describes the progression of attitudes (maturity) towards persecution:

Lord, save me!
Lord, judge them!
Lord, forgive them.
Lord, forgive them as we forgive others.
Lord, be glorified. (Selah!)

Lastly, I read this recently. It’s from Pastor Steve Murrell, accidental missionary:

“Paul did not preach Christ crucified because it was popular – he preached the cross because it was powerful. He did not preach to please his listeners – he preached to please his Master. He did not expect most people to respond with enthusiasm – he expected a few to respond with repentance.”

My declaration over you this week:

I declare that (2Cor 4:8) you are troubled, but not distressed; you are perplexed, but not in despair; (vs.9) you are persecuted, but not forsaken; you are cast down, but not destroyed! I pray that (1Pe 4:12) you are not surprised at the fiery ordeals that come to test you, as though something strange was happening to you. (vs.13) But you rejoice and participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed. (vs.14) If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. I declare that (2Tim 3:12) you are fully aware that all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, that you recall (Mt 5:10) Jesus said, “You are blessed when persecuted because of righteousness, for your reward is the Kingdom of heaven. (vs.11) You are blessed when people insult, persecute, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. (vs.12) You rejoice and are glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for you know the prophets were persecuted in the same way before you.” I declare that (Mt 5:44) you love your enemies; you bless them that curse you; you do good to them that hate you, and you pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you. In Jesus’ name, amen!