Graffiti art depicting the statue of liberty with a skull face against a striped background.

“Before you criticize America…”

It’s Thanksgiving time and the ignorant, narrow-minded lies about the formation of America abound. Before you criticize America and agree with the lies, you better know two things:

1. American history ( and not just Liberal/Progressive “Hater-Ade”)
2. The Word of God

1. Did God have a hand in the formation of America?
2. Was Christopher Columbus a Christian? Does it matter?
3. Did the Indians need salvation through Christ?
4. Many Indian tribes performed human sacrifices. Acceptable?
5. Many Indian tribes participated in cannibalism. Acceptable?
6. If whites “stole the land,” who did the Indians get the land from?
7. Whites owned slaves, but which people-group overwhelmingly lived and died to end slavery?
8. Were blacks the only slaves in America?
9. Did blacks own slaves?
10. Did Indians own slaves?
11. Ever heard of William Bradford?
12. Throughout history, how was every country formed?
13. Are there ANY positives in the founding of America?
14. Do the positives outweigh the negatives?
15. Name other countries built on the premise, the gamble, that man can govern himself with God. (By the way, this is why we are a Republic, not a Democracy.)

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on God’s hand of grace, blessing, and favor in the creation of America. It’s a time to be thankful for the privilege of being a part of, still, the greatest nation ever built on this planet. Stop focusing on the negatives, and start focusing on the positives which far outweigh the bad. Sure, we’ve had our faults, but we’ve always worked hard at correcting them.

Also, don’t believe the lie that freedom is “the ability to do whatever you want, whenever you want.” That’s the definition of Flesh. True freedom is the ability to do what is right. And, it is God, and God alone, Who determines what is right and wrong. (Isaiah 45:19)

If what I am saying is true, then it begs the questions, “What WAS God’s will for establishing America? Has that mission changed? What is His will for America today?” With God, you don’t have to be ashamed, apologetic, or embarrassed of America! Don’t be so quick to parrot opinions, lies, and hate. Do your own HONEST, well-rounded research. Ask questions and go find answers. And always remember:

History + God’s Word = Truth
History – God’s Word = Lies