A single-story building with red and yellow barriers, barbed wire on the roof, and designated parking signs for "general" and "colonel.

“Bad news! Pray!”



Prisoners who come here have made mistakes. God loves them and would forgive and restore them. My burden is to bring them hope in Christ which leads to rehabilitation and recovery. (Read “You all have holes in your life! I’m trying to fill those holes with the Word of God!”
Saints, bad news. As I’ve mentioned frequently, the opposition and resistance in the Brig is great. I just got off the phone with a base Chaplain. I was just informed that my volunteer religious services at the Brig and the Bases are “no longer desired.”

This is the first I’ve heard of this, but apparently multiple complaints have been lodged and collected about alleged comments I’ve made in the Brig chapel. Mind you, not one prisoner filed a complaint, but every person offended has been a guard. Some of the comments were in regards to sexual sins, homosexuality, racism, and religion. One complaint was that I called a Hispanic prisoner “Muchacho.” (Lol! I am of Mexican heritage and the inmate was Hispanic.)

Without due process, my team and I have been relieved from all Brig programs. I wasn’t even given an opportunity to face my accusers. Just so you know, in over twenty years of ministry, I have never been approached by any Brig Senior Staff member and informed of any substandard conduct or comment. Nor have I ever been counseled or advised of any questionable conduct, so to receive a phone call like this took me a little by surprise. Just a little bit though, because as I’ve repeatedly conveyed, spiritual resistance and oppression has been inordinately high.

Bottom line: Please intercede for these Brig ministries as the confined souls there have been prospering in rehabilitation, recovery, and discipleship. Just last night these men were hungry and received the Word of the Lord with all eagerness. We had regained a godly stronghold in the prison and achieved great momentum, but that’s come to a halt. Let it not be so, Lord!

Pray for wisdom and strength over me and Sandy as we proceed. Not once has any Brig Senior Staff member attended an entire class in twenty-plus years. The longest any Senior Staff member sat in a class and observed was probably five minutes. There is a strong controlling spirit (Jezebel) operating in the Brig. Bind her up, in Jesus’ name! This fight has been escalating, but I feel it’s not over and questionable standards and conduct are about to be exposed by God. There is still much ministry to be accomplished here as the Brig has a very special place in my heart.
Aerial view of the Camp Hansen Brig. The Brig Chapel is the brown roof. (Read “Finding ‘God’ four times in the Brig”)
So many souls have been ministered to through the food-trays of these steel doors. (Read “There’s an angel with your son!”)
“Much fruit abounds to your account!” (Php 4:17) Donate: https://cinami.org/missionary/guerra-nick-sandy/
This woman here is my biggest fan and encourager. I love her will all my heart. I can’t thank Sandy enough for choosing to love me and “jump” with me. I thought I was crazy, but I think Sandy has to be crazier to leap with me. (Read “Epiphany on I-70E”)
In closing…

Saints, we simply covet your prayers. Your petitions of faith are heard by God and are empowering.

Even in the midst of these battles, Sandy and I press on. The burden from the Lord keeps us going. Ministering to souls and making disciples is what we do. We are very intentional and focused in 1) Making disciples, and 2) Releasing them into the fields.

Being full-time missionaries in Japan is extremely exhausting and expensive. Please consider partnering with us in the Father’s Business. Financial gifts and contributions can be made online through Christians In Action. Or, you can mail contributions to the address listed below.

I declare that because you believe, you will speak! (2Cor 4:13)
In His calling,
Pastor Nick & Sandy Guerra

Contributions can be mailed to:
Dominic Guerra (Acct# 426)
c/o Christians In Action, Missions International
1322 E. Shaw Ave., Suite 150
Fresno, CA 93710

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“Catch, Clean, & Release!”