A painting depicting a historical scene of a gathering between european settlers and native americans, possibly representing a moment of cultural exchange or a thanksgiving-like event.

“Thanksgiving is about God!”

The Thanksgiving Holiday is upon us, so for starters, let’s acknowledge that “Thanksgiving is about God!”

– Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1Thes 5:18)
– Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Eph 5:20)
– I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. (Ps 34:1)
– Through him, therefore, let us offer God a sacrifice of praise continually. For this is the natural product of lips that acknowledge his name. (Heb 13:15)

Real talk… our Thanksgiving Holiday has become shamefully godless. Godless, anti-American rhetoric and ideology flood the internet and social media with memes and messages of hatred and cynicism towards America’s origins, her founding fathers, her holidays, her anthem, her flag, and her history. Our classrooms and campuses, Pre-school through Post-Doctorate, have deceived and brainwashed an entire generation of kids to be ashamed, apologetic, and embarrassed of our God-ordained nation.

These Progressive/Liberal/Democrat positions and claims are godless! These same people walk in gross levels of ignorance, hate, prejudice, and intolerance. Romans 1:28-32 reads…

  • “Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, He abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done. (vs.29) Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip. (vs.30) They are backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful. They invent new ways of sinning, and they disobey their parents. (vs.31) They refuse to understand, break their promises, are heartless, and have no mercy. (vs.32) They know God’s justice requires that those who do these things deserve to die, yet they do them anyway. Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too.” (NLT)

Did you catch that at the end?!! “Worse yet, they encourage others to do them, too.” These evil, wicked people are desperate to disconnect you from God! As such, I promise you that during this holiday you’re gonna hear things like…

– “Whites stole the land from the Indians!”
– “Genocide was perpetrated on the Indians!”
– “America was built on the backs of slaves!”
– “America is racist!”
– “Racism in America is systemic!”
– “Whites have always had privilege here!”
– “The white man’s greed runs a world in need!” (That’s an Obama quote.)
– “Trump is a racist!”

Enemies of God will lie and deceive in their attempts to discourage, deflect, and disconnect you from giving God “thanks.” Early Americans knew that no one could be taken seriously who was not responsible to God. Therefore, this week, remember God, and purposefully “Give thanks to God” for America! Recall that…

– Providence had a plan for this land!
– That plan hasn’t changed!
– God’s hand created America and stood her up!
– Because of God, America is exceptional and good!

Questions for your perusal:
1. Did God have a hand in, and a purpose for, the formation of America?
2. Did Mark 16:15 include America? Did Acts 1:8?
3. What would bringing the message of “salvation through Christ alone” look like when introduced into a dark, uncivilized continent and it’s people? Conflict? Danger?
4. Was Christopher Columbus a Christian? Does it matter?
5. At least Columbus was on a mission for the Lord. Are you?
6. Did the Indians need salvation through Christ?
7. Many Indian tribes performed human sacrifices and participated in cannibalism. Acceptable?
8. If whites stole the land, who did the Indians get the land from?
9. Which people-group overwhelmingly lived and died to end slavery? (It was Christians.)
10. Were blacks the only slaves in America?
11. Did blacks own slaves? Did Indians?
12. Was slavery unique only to America?
13. Who was William Bradford?
14. Throughout history, how was every nation formed?
15. Are there any positives in the founding of America? Do they outweigh the negatives?
16. Name any other country built on the premise that man would be free to govern himself with God. (I’ll wait.)

Recommended Resources:
– The Light and The Glory (Peter Marshall and David Manuel)
– America: Imagine the World Without Her (Dinesh D-Souza)

This Thanksgiving, I exhort you to genuinely, audibly give thanks to God for His sovereign hand, grace, blessing, and favor over America. With God, we don’t have to be ashamed, apologetic, or embarrassed of America. Tell someone today, “I thank God for America!”

“It’s a privilege to know these folks!”

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R&R at the Camp Schwab Chapel (Mondays @7PM)

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Zebulun family! (Saturdays @6PM)

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Please keep these men and women lifted up in prayer during these end-of-year holidays. As you know, during this season it becomes particularly harder to be away from family and friends. I’ve already made arrangements to minister to the inmates on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.

Agree with us in Prayer

a. For the Brig/Prison: I continue to ask God for all the souls in the Brig, even the Guards. Pray for the inmates, guards, and their families. Bind up spirits of bitterness, unforgiveness, shame, condemnation, and pride. And loose a spirit of salvation, discipleship, forgiveness, exposure, healing, deliverance, peace, and restoration!

b. For continued increase at ZCDC (Churchplant). Pray for mature, qualified families and permanent personnel to co-labor with us in the northern-most, remote area of Okinawa.

c. For Zebulun Worship Team as they practice and develop their gifts.

d. For our Believers, that they walk in increased discernment, wisdom, maturity, power, and that they are properly discipled, and that they bear much Kingdom fruit!

e. Pray against retaliatory, unclean spirits (on base and off base). Bind up demonic spirits of lust, division, strife, envy, competition, and fear. And loose a spirit of unity, peace, love, and faith among Believers.

f. For our current schedule, i.e. finances, resources, wisdom, strategies, and strength:
– Sun: Share/Report Christians In Action ministries
– Mon: Radical & Relevant (R&R) @7pm
– Wed: Brig Christian Fellowship (BCF) @7pm
– Thu: Publish Think On These Things newsletters
– Thu: Publish YouTube Videos (Channel: YahwehHasASon)
– Fri: Sxxual Integrity & Restoration (SIR) @9am
– Sat: Zebulun Christian Discipleship Center (ZCDC) @6pm

Make a Donation

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I am so convinced that this woman here will have a greater place in glory. I don’t know anyone who serves and sacrifices more genuinely than Sandy. Her walk with the Lord humbles me and provokes me. (Sigh) I love her so much.

In closing…

Saints, thank you for your prayers. Please know your petitions are powerful! We thrive on them.

Not only are we holding fast despite major opposition and obstacles, but we press on making disciples. In my desperation, I find myself clutching increasingly to the Lord. This is a good thing, though, as the more time I spend with Him, the less I’m prone to wander. (Lol!)

We can use your help. The financial, physical, and emotional costs of being full-time missionaries in Japan are enormous. I humbly ask you to consider partnering with us in these godly works. Through your monetary donations and support you become a benefactor of the Kingdom fruit being harvested here. (Php 4:17) Financial gifts and contributions can be made online through Christians In Action. Or, you can mail contributions to the address listed below.

The Lord says to you, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with My victorious right hand.” (Isa 41:10)
In His strength,
Pastor Nick & Sandy Guerra

Contributions can be sent to:
Dominic Guerra (Acct# 426)
c/o Christians In Action, Missions International
1318 E. Shaw Avenue – Suite 308
Fresno, CA 93710-7912

  •  Please ensure Acct #426 is annotated on your contribution so the funds can be allocated correctly.
  •  Please share/forward these newsletters at your discretion.

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“Gather Sheep & Convert Goats!”

“Catch, Clean, & Release!”