A person walks up a steep pathway towards a hilltop, accompanied by an inspirational quote "keep pressing forward - philippians 3:13".

“Just don’t quit!”

Right now, the body of Christ needs encouragement. So, at this moment

Right now, the body of Christ needs encouragement. So, at this moment in time, at this moment in your life, and at this moment of your faith, heed the Words of God:

  • Php 3:14 “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
  • 2Cor 4:17 “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.”
  • 1Tim 6:12 “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

Daily, our faith challenges and struggles often sound like this, but hear Christ whisper:

Us: I’m tired.
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: I’m worried.
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: I know so little.
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: I’m afraid to talk to people.
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: What if I fail?
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: I’m so afraid!
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: I keep making mistakes.
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: I don’t know what I’m doing.
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: I don’t know enough.
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: People have hurt me.
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: I have hurt so many people.
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: Sometimes my faith is so weak.
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: I don’t feel God!
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: It seems like God doesn’t hear my prayers.
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: I feel alone.
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: I can’t make ends meet.
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: This is hard!
Christ: Just don’t quit.

Us: I’m being persecuted! (See ABC’s of Persecution)
Christ: Just don’t quit.

So, in the midst of your life challenges, disappointments, pains, and unknowns, don’t give up! Keep going! Press toward the mark! Hear the Spirit of God say, “Just don’t quit. It’ll all be worth it in the end.”

In closing, my ministry schedule already stretches me thin (see above), but regardless, the brunt of my energies remain focused on the Lord and making disciples. We continue to rapidly make disciples through “Loving Confrontations & Big-boy Conversations!” (Haha!) And there’s much Kingdom fruit!

We could use your help. Please consider supporting these works with financial contributions. Donations can be made online through Christians In Action.

I declare that, for the sake of Christ, your are content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities, because you fully know that when you are weak, then you are strong! (2Cor 12:10)