Two colored fingerprint patterns with male and female gender symbols integrated into the designs.

Part 1 of 5 – “Sweet Sixteen Sex Test”

Honestly, if someone asked you to teach them everything about sex, what’s the best information you could give? Sadly, the best advice most people can give is, “Wrap it up,” and “Do it responsibly.” What’s your best advice? What do you really know about sex?

We recently concluded our five-part series on “Divine Design for Sex.” Part 1 was Intro and the “Sweet Sixteen Sex Test.”  (Video)

The “Sweet Sixteen” Questions:
1. What do you know about sex? (What do you really know?)
2. Is there a lot of information out there about sex? (No.)
3. Generally speaking, do guys really like girls? (No.)
4. What’s the best sex you’ll ever have? (It’s not what you’re thinking.)
5. What are your thoughts about a “threesome?” (Definitely, not what you’re thinking.)
6. What percentage of your sexual history is God-approved? (The consequences are devastating.)
7. What are the three fundamental purposes of sex? (Most people only know two.)
8. What are the three fundamental levels of sex? (Most people are only unaware of two.)
9. All sex connects! What does “connect” mean? (“The two shall become one.” Gen 2:24; 1Cor 6:16)
10. Is adultery right or wrong? (If you’re single, are you committing adultery on your future wife now?)
11. What does “husband” literally mean? (It’s a compound word.)
12. What are those two things beneath the male genitalia? (You can’t get married without them.)
13. What’s the difference in being “known” and being “laid?”
14. What’s wrong with premarital sex? (Besides Sin, STD’s, and Unwanted Pregnancies.)
15. What’s your sexuality worth? (Can you put a price tag on it?)
16. What’s permissible in sex? (Most clergy today avoid this question. It can be answered.)

1 Thessalonians 4:3-4 says, “For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality; (vs.4) that each of you know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor.”