A child with a bandaged ear holds a green whistle in their mouth.

“We came to see if you were real Christians.”

The Philippines Medical/Dental Mission Outreach (PMMO) is completed! Many of you literally partnered with us through prayers and finances. Consequently, you became benefactors in all the Kingdom fruit that was harvested! (Php 4:17)

So much to tell, so little time. Here are some highlights:

1. Deliverance! An uncle and a niece came to our site (he actually carried her because she was passed out). The local witch doctor told them there was a Christian medical team here. They said, “We came to see if you were real Christians.” The prayer team began to intercede for them right there. The uncle immediately began throwing up and passing out. The niece passed out repeatedly. After about an hour, their countenance was completely changed! They were relieved, happy, and at peace! Glory to God!


2. More Deliverance! This lady came in oppressed and troubled. Her body ached and she was somewhat schizophrenic. The prayer team ministered to her for about thirty minutes. During this time, she would go back and forth with incoherent language. At times her spirit would plead for help. There was breakthrough! Cleansing, joy, peace, and deliverance came upon her! She just kept saying, “I can’t stop smiling! I am free!” She said, “I came in here at 2:30. Now it’s 3 o’clock and I’m changed! I’m different! I’m free!!!” She actually came by our hotel a few days later to thank us and to let us know that she was still free!

3. On of our Doctors went into Max Security in the prison. He removed a golf-ball sized growth from a man’s forehead while the other Max-prisoners peered through barbed wire!

4. Tomo was Saved! Tomo is a 22-year-old Okinawan man whom we’ve never met before. I was sitting in Pharmacy and I overheard Ikue having a full Japanese conversation with him. (I thought he was Filipino.) I inquired and found that Tomo had just arrived to the Philippines. He was preparing to study English abroad in Australia, I think, and we happened to cross paths at a local church. He joined our ARMS Team for a day and he heard one of our Japanese missionary’s testimony about Christ. I shared the gospel with him through Ikue — translating from English to Japanese. I asked Tomo if he understood and if he’d like to receive Christ. He eagerly and genuinely prayed for salvation right there, on the spot! He even prayed, “Lord, I have sinned so much. And I’m probably gonna sin more in the future, so I need You to change me.” I teared up listening to him pray from his heart.

Immediately after praying, Tomo declared, “We are family now!” The thought of baptism occurred to me, so I explained and told him that we have a pool at the hotel. Bam! That night the entire ARMS Team witnessed his baptism! Simply incredible, that God cared enough about a young Okinawan man that He would have an ARMS Team from abroad, cross paths with him in the Philippines! God is awesome!

5. The Result! Here is a snapshot of our labor:

Total number seen and heard the gospel = 4,451
Total number of Decisions for Christ = 2,597