A group of individuals, some in military uniforms, posing for a photograph in a room with rows of benches and a projector screen displaying text.

“Leaving It for Someone Else?”

Most Christians don’t know how to fight. They haven’t been trained. Too many Churches flippantly claim to be making disciples, but I would examine the quality of that discipleship. Contact me. I’ll teach you, quickly! Watch “On a scale of 1-10, what kind of Christian are you?” (www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oFn98CJCEY&t=5s)

In the movie Saving Private Ryan, Captain Miller and his squad of Rangers are on a mission to find and bring home a soldier who has yet to discover that his three brothers have fallen in combat. In one scene, Captain Miller and his squad are trekking through an open field and take cover in a tree line because they come across littered bodies of a friendly patrol. The Captain and his Sarge quickly discover that these men were ambushed and killed by a hidden German gun nest which is still active and waiting to ambush the next patrol. Their ensuing conversation is as follows:

(Captain and Sgt Horvath probe forward to inspect a destroyed radar site)
Horvath: What the hell is that?
Miller: A radar site.
Horvath: It’s got to be out of action.
Miller: Well, it looks like we got something in that… sandbag bunker, right under the station. See it?
Horvath: Yeah. That’s my guess, too.
(Captain and Horvath regroup with squad)
Upham: What is it?
Horvath: Machine gun. Probably MG-42.
Upham: Jesus. ls that what got those guys?
Mellish: Maybe one of them’s our boy.
Miller: No, their patches are 82nd, so you’re luck’s not that good.
Reiben: l don’t know how fast the rest of you Betties are, but I’m thinking we detour this way quick and quiet, the krauts will never even know we were here. So Captain, what I’m trying to say is, why don’t we just go around the thing?
Miller: l hear what you’re saying… but we can’t go around it.
Jackson: l’m with Reiben on this one, sir. I mean, we left them 88s.
Miller: For the Air Force, the Air Force isn’t gonna spend ordinance on one machine gun.
Mellish: Uh, Captain. We can still skip it and accomplish our mission. l mean, this isn’t our mission, right, sir?
Miller: Oh, that’s what you want to do, Mellish? You just want to leave it here so they can ambush the next company that comes along?
Mellish: No, sir, that’s not what I’m saying. l’m simply saying, it seems like an unnecessary risk given our objective, sir.
Miller: Our objective is to win the war.
Reiben: Sir, l just, uh, l don’t have a good feeling about this one.
Miller: When was the last time you felt good about anything?
(Miller leads squad in an attack to destroy the enemy machine gun nest)

I was struck by the parallels of so many Christians today and their reluctance to engage in the good fight (1Tim 6:12), confront evil (Eph 6:12-18), and set captives free (Lu 4:18-19). At the thought of engaging the enemy and this dangerous situation, these soldier’s minds began to run wild. They began to squirm (that word may be related to “worm”), rationalize, and justify how and why they should avoid this particular situation. Their objections were simply excuses presented to mask their fear and reluctance to attack this gun nest. Ultimately, Captain Miller convicts them with, “You just want to leave it here so they can ambush the next Company that comes along?” So, the men choose to muster up their courage, run head long into danger, and exercise great faith and trust in their brothers-in-arms to dispatch this enemy nest.

Likewise, today the vast majority of Christians – albeit immature, indifferent, ignorant, untested, ill-equipped, and consequently afraid – baulk at God-made opportunities (Read Ephesians 2:10) to exercise Christ-like love, faith, and power. It’s easier to reason, “Someone else will do it. Not my job. Not my calling.” Masses of Christians today try to justify their inactivity and silence with milquetoast excuses for their fear, laziness, and pride.

Think about it. Really, just how engaged are you with the good fight? And, why aren’t you? There is a war going on, so where are you in the battle? The Father’s business (Lu 2:49), or the good fight, includes spiritual warfare, engaging the lost, confused, and hurting, and setting the captives free from the grip of the enemy (2Cor 4:4; 1Jn 5:19), prayer (Eph 6:18; 1Thes 5:17), the Word of God (Ps 119:11; 2Tim 2:15), and the gospel (Mk 16:15). Seriously, when was the last time you literally, verbally, shared the gospel? With a friend? A co-worker? A neighbor? A stranger? Too many Christians don’t even know the gospel, so I know they’re not sharing it. (The Gospel – Four Simple Pointswww.youtube.com/watch?v=qmlMCHtr7a8&t=213s)

Plainly stated, most Christians simply don’t know how to fight, don’t want to fight, or don’t even know there’s a fight going on. Because of this, today we are surrounded by evil, and whether you’re aware of the good fight or not, we’re being overrun. Practically everywhere you look in society, it’s enemy occupied territory. Countless souls are bound, blinded, and in bondage to the enemy. Evil is being called good and good is being called evil (Isa 5:20). I saw this meme today. “All I’m saying is it’s kinda weird how every single thing that’s pushed by our culture and Hollywood and the mainstream media happens to be against the Word of God and destroying our society.” I think you’d agree with me on this, however, I gotta ask, “What are you doing about it? Or are you leaving it to someone else?”

In the spirit of Hebrews 10:24 – let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works – I urge you… No! I need you! And Christians knee-deep in the fight need you… and the lost need you… to engage in the good fight!

â-ª Col 1:10 So walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God!
â-ª Php 1:27 Let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel!

Finally, I’m not looking for persecution, nor do I want to die. But I settled in my heart some time ago that I will not abandon my friends! I will fight alongside my friends and die for my friends! Honestly, there’s so much fighting to be done… and if you don’t do your part, someone else will have to do it. Take up your cross! (Mt 16:24)

(Read this Aloud. Put a name in the blanks.)
I declare that ____ understands Jesus’ commandment to (Jn 15:12) love each other in the same way He loved us. (vs.13) ____ knows there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for their friends. (1Jn 4:8) ____ realizes that anyone who does not love, does not know God, for God is love. (vs.9) God showed how much He loved us by sending His one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through Him. (vs.10) This is real love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. (vs.11) ____ knows since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. (vs.19) We love because He first loved us. (Jn 10:11) ____ knows that Jesus is the good shepherd, and the good shepherd sacrifices His life for the sheep. (vs.12) ____ understands that a hired hand will run when he sees a wolf coming. A hired hand will abandon the sheep because they don’t belong to him and he isn’t their shepherd. And so the wolf attacks them and scatters the flock. (vs.13) The hired hand runs away because he’s working only for the money and doesn’t really care about the sheep.

(2Cor 4:4) ____ understands that Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. (2Cor 10:3-4) ____ knows that although we live in the natural realm, we don’t wage a military campaign employing human weapons, using manipulation to achieve our aims. Instead, our spiritual weapons are energized with divine power to effectively dismantle the defenses behind which people hide. (vs.5) So ____ demolishes every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and breaks through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. ____ captures, like prisoners of war, every thought and insists that they bow in obedience to the Anointed One. In Jesus’ name, amen!

â-ª My YouTube Videos (www.youtube.com/@yahwehhasason/videos)
â-ª My Facebook Live Videos (www.facebook.com/nick.guerra1/videos_by?lst=833504392%3A833504392%3A1594298052)

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Another Graduating Class

These men and women have endured immersion, exposure, and provocation in the things of God! Time and time again, it’s a privilege to witness such a beautiful and godly transformation in such a short time. They’ve been initiated, activated, and released over these last six months for the glory of God! (Read “We make disciples!”)

There’s a line in the movie Cinderella Man where a boxer who easily beat Jimmy Braddock in their first fight, now recognizes in their second fight that, “He ain’t the same guy!” Likewise, these men and women are not the same people I met six months ago. God has matured and transformed them. Pray for them as they travel back home, because to some degree they’re not going to fit – in their homes, their Churches, etc. Pray that they would not go back to Kindergarten. Watch “He ain’t the same guy!” (www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYlb0zeIwdM&t=674s)

Wrestling in prayer! Declaring the Word of God over each other! (Read “Do you wrestle?”)

“Fix Bayonets!” (Role-playing Drills)

We go to great lengths to “Teach Christians how to be Christians today.” We role-play (Christians vs. Critics) every lie and argument that Believers must contend with today and learn to counter the baloney with the Word of God! (Read “The Code is the Law!”)

These drills are uncomfortable for everyone at first. However, these drills produce Kingdom fruit! These men and women rapidly learn scripture and gain confidence to wield the Word of God. They go from “milk to meat” very quickly. (Read “He need some milk!”)

Pushing men and women deeper into Christ one soul at a time! I really believe that men and women are tired of religion and surface ministry. Men and women are craving Christ and real answers to real problems. You can help with your Donations and Contributions (cinami.org/missionary/guerra-nick-sandy/)

“I Love the Zebulun Family!”

These people love big and they love well! They are faithful, and encouraging, and they earnestly pray for me and Sandy. Watch “Ever been bored as a Christian?” (www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uk0-yS5rEA)

Every Christian is commanded to be a part of a local Church. Church is family! Church is strength! The Church is Christ’s Bride! So much scripture supports this. Contact me if you really want to know. Watch “Who’s your Daddy? Why Christians should go to Church!” (www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcW1kcvoemQ&t=3029s)

Total transparency, Sandy and I are out here on the mission field completely by faith, and Japan is extremely expensive. Not Third World. Our only steady source of income is my USMC retirement (which basically pays our apartment rent) and a few donors who give regularly. We live month-to-month by faith and we focus on making disciples… and the Lord provides. It often seems a little insane to Nick’s soul-man, but Nick’s spirit-man just keeps jumping into faith. Lol! Please accept this invitation to partner with us in the Lord’s works over here. Make a Donation (cinami.org/missionary/guerra-nick-sandy/)


Sandy and I fully enjoyed our time with Ethan and the girls! They were able to visit us in Okinawa for about a month. Being so far away from our daughters is such a sacrifice. But God! Watch “Love is not a chore! It’s an opportunity!” (www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dnt5b5WvJiI&t=11s)

Saints, I continue to pray God’s grace and peace over you. And we thank you for your prayers and support. They encourage us greatly!

Week in and week out, Sandy and I remain faithful to the Lord’s works and the souls here. We try to take advantage of the time and every opportunity to share Christ with lives over here. It’s what we do.

We need your help. Financial support has waned, yet ministerial demands have not. Your support directly enables us to continue making disciples and also minister to the lost and hurting. Please consider partnering with us seeing folks saved and discipled for the glory of the Lord. Donations can be made online through Christians In Action (cinami.org/missionary/guerra-nick-sandy/). Or, you can mail contributions to the address listed below.

I pray that you look carefully at how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because you know the days are evil. (Eph 5:15-16)
In His love,
Nick & Sandy Guerra, Bond-servants of Christ

Contributions can be mailed to:
Dominic Guerra (Acct# 426)
c/o Christians In Action, Missions International
1300 E. Shaw Ave., Suite 135
Fresno, CA 93710-7904

â-ª Please ensure Acct #426 is annotated on your contribution so the funds can be allocated correctly.
â-ª Please share/forward these newsletters at your discretion.

– Our Mission & Vision –
“Gather Sheep & Convert Goats!”
“Catch, Clean, & Release!”