Two hands clasped together on a table illuminated from the side.

“Pray! Pray now!”

Concerning prayer, some time ago, I had an extremely provoking and unsettling dream. It was just before a national election and I was given ten minutes to speak at a town hall meeting. About a thousand people had gathered and I began sharing godly, bible-based responses to current controversial social and political issues — abortion, same-sex marriage, homosexuality, racism, communism, legalization of marijuana, etc.

The incumbent US Senator was present, awaiting his turn to address the crowd. As I continued, he became increasingly uncomfortable as his ungodly, unbiblical stances were being publicly exposed. He abruptly approached the podium to seize control of the mic. He interrupted with, “Thank you for coming out and sharing,” and he rudely placed himself between me and the mic. I insisted that I wasn’t finished and I had a few more things to say, but the Senator was already signaling his bodyguards to step in. I protested, “I have a right to speak! You cannot do this,” but they proceeded, and I knew I was going to be “detained” until this town hall meeting was over.

Thoughts raced through my mind as I was being ushered off the stage. I looked to the crowd for help. I yelled, “Don’t you see what’s happening?! Is this okay with you?!!” I suddenly recognized that the people were is a stupor, a trance. (The word “sheeple” came to mind.) My options were swiftly running out. In desperation I yelled to the people, “Pray!” Confused still, the majority of the crowd did not move a muscle. They just continued to stare. I shouted, “Pray, now!!!” A few began to move their lips in prayer. I immediately understood they didn’t know how or what to pray.

As I neared the stairs at the end of the stage, I yelled again. This time I screamed, “Declare that Jesus is Lord!!!” (I’m a little embarrassed to admit that prayer was my last resort, but this prayer/declaration jolted many out of their spell.) Small pockets of people began to repeat, “Jesus is Lord,” but it was like lighting a book of matches! Once the first match was lit, the other matches quickly ignited. Rapidly, one by one, people were being freed from their sleep-like, hypnotic state and joined in proclaiming, “Jesus is Lord! Jesus is Lord! Jesus is Lord!”

The Senator saw and quickly understood what was happening. The momentum had rapidly shifted and swelled in God’s favor. He knew there was no turning back this wave and he conceded. He then promptly turned and began to walk smartly off the stage. Now, his cohorts were confused. They wanted to proceed but the seasoned, ungodly Senator, without even turning his head, callously told them, “It’s no use. We’ve lost this one. We’ll get the next meeting.”

Beloved, understand that to a large degree, people today are falling deeper and deeper into a sleep-like trance and into darkness because the god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers (2Cor 4:4). But, the power of prayer is our chief weapon to awaken and save!

Now more than ever you must saturate yourself, your family and friends, your communities and nation in godly prayer. The bible says, “Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them  pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to  pray  over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the  prayer  offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and  pray  for each other so that you may be healed. The  prayer  of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (James 5:13-16 Italics mine.)

Not debates. Not reasoning. Not logic. Not arguing. The souls of people (Believers and un-Believers) are in comas. God has given us instructions and power for rousing them from their dark sleep. Only the power of prayer can penetrate these strongholds! Prayer is necessary! Prayer is powerful! And, prayer works! So, “Pray! Pray, now!!!”

In closing, we need your help. Being full-time missionaries in Japan is physically and spiritually demanding, and financially expensive.  We’re genuinely about The Father’s Business, but we simply cannot fulfill these ministries without financial support. Please consider partnering with us through financial gifts and offerings. Donations can be made online at  Christians In Action.